Field Trips And Revelations (Part 2)

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Peter woke up with a start, groaning as the sound of the star wars theme song- that FRIDAY was blasting through the speakers in an attempt to wake him up- filled his ears.

"I'm up, I'm up." Peter mumbled to himself, brushing his teeth vigorously before hopping into the scalding hot shower. Peter quickly threw on a math pun t-shirt that said 'Not all math puns are terrible- just sum' and exited his room.

He pushed the door to the dining room open, and made a beeline towards the kitchen- where all the Avengers were currently seated, grinning like idiots.

"So, Peter?" Loki drawled "Are you ready for your field trip?" he smirked. Behind him, Clint and Nat started giggling like a bunch of preschoolers.

"Do you remember that you promised not to embarrass me?" Peter asked, pouring blue chocolate sauce over his stack of blue pancakes.

"Oh, Underoos, we didn't, Steve did!" Tony exclaimed, stealing a pancake from his plate.

"Please, guys! This is my social life that we're talking about! I don't want it to be ruined by all of you spilling slime over me the second I enter the tower!" Peter begged, his eyes pleading with them.

"Social life? Didn't think you had one." Clint said, eyebrows raised.

"And we didn't think of the slime at the doorway thing. It's a classic. Good one!" Wanda chimed in.

"Not you too Wanda!" Peter groaned. Fortunately, Steve arrived at that moment and reminded Peter that it was time to go to school.

"Bye, guys! Hopefully someone will stab me on the way and I don't have to go!" Peter said, waving goodbye. Tony just stuck his tongue out at that while Steve gasped out, "Peter!"

He quickly jammed his thumb into a button in the elevator and slowly walked out towards the car, not wanting to go. He reluctantly climbed into it after Happy gave him a stern look and ran his hands through his hair, slowly banging his head against the front seat.

"Buckle up." came Happy's gruff reply.


Peter stood at the back of the line that was rapidly entering a stereotypical yellow school bus. He forcibly thrust a permission slip, on which Nat had forged his dead aunt's signature, into Mr Harrington's hand. Once he found a seat for him, Ned and MJ, he stuffed a pair of earphones into his ears, eager to drown his sorrows in music, only for them to be yanked out by Flash. 

"Hey, Parker! Ready for your lie to be exposed?" He shouted, making Peter wince.

MJ decided to enter the bus that second and pulled Flash away by his collar. "Flash, I don't have enough middle fingers to express how much I want you to fuck off right now." MJ said, sitting next to Peter and Ned.

"This is going to be one looong bus ride." Ned muttered, and Peter agreed with him wholeheartedly.


The bus screeched to a stop in front of the tower as all the students pressed their faces against the windows for a glimpse of the world's most famous tower.

Mr Harrington quickly ushered the students off the bus, with Peter, Ned and MJ descending last. Peter nervously wiped his hands on his jeans, his spidey senses going a mile a minute.

"Okay kids, line up and wait here while I check-in at the front desk." Mr. Harrington shouted, walking towards the reception. All the students excitedly arranged themselves in a crooked line.

Mr Harrington walked back with a tour guide, and Peter unfortunately recognized her. The tour guide cleared her throat for attention, and all the babble immediately stopped.

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