Kidnapped (Part 2)

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Longing, rusted, furnace, daybreak, seventeen, benign, nine, homecoming, two, fear.


Peter groggily woke up to the sound of someone screaming. It took Peter a few painful seconds to realize that it was him. His entire body was convulsing with pain as the man who had tried to wipe his memories got blasted backward into the wall before crumpling up like a rag doll, red blood oozing from his head.

This was the seventh time that they tried to that to Peter.

The Aether fought back in ways HYDRA couldn't control. No matter how many machines they stuck into Peter, no matter how many times they poked and prodded him, the Aether just didn't allow Coulson and his goons to come near him.

So they tried to physically and mentally torture him instead, to make him weak.

This was the seventh time that Peter had to watch Coulson scream at the scientists before picking one out of the trembling bunch to try and wipe him. This was the seventh time that the Aether had lashed out at them to protect itself and drained all the energy from his body, making him pass out. This was the seventh time Peter had to watch helplessly as another man died because of something he couldn't control.

So when Coulson approached him carefully and barked out "Agent?", Peter knew there was only one answer.

"Ready to comply."


"Tony, it's time to get some rest" Steve muttered carefully at the silhouette in front of him. Tony slowly turned around, like it was physically hurting him- which it might have since he hadn't slept for the past six days.

Tony's hair was disheveled and matted together by sweat and grease and deep, purple circles ringed his tired eyes. "Sleep?" Tony croaked out. "Yes" Steve said, sounding hopeful. Tony angrily slammed a wrench down onto him bench.

"Sleep?" He repeated "How can I sleep when my son's been captured by HYDRA? How can I sleep when he's probably being tortured this second?" Everyone in the room winced at that as Tony had quite possibly just stated the reality.

"Tony, do you want to find Peter?" Bruce asked softly. "Of course" He replied without hesitation. "How can you help when you can barely stay awake? You've been running on pure anger and caffeine ever since Peter was kidnapped. We all care about him. We all care about you. You know Peter wouldn't want to see you like this. So why don't you get some sleep and help us find him when your functioning again?" Bruce asked Tony.

Tony simply looked at Bruce with tears in his eyes. "It's just- I see him. I see him hurt and broken and bloody and bruised every time I close my eyes." Tony said, crying freely now. Suddenly, he tripped over air as his knees buckled, spilling him onto the floor. "I'm fine" Tony said, gasping, as his eyes rolled back into his head, fainting from exhaustion.

"Where are you, Pete?"


"Winter Spider! You are going to be training with The Winter Soldier to test out your improved abilities. Is that clear?" Coulson barked. "Yes, Commander." Peter said, trying to sound as brainwashed as possible. "Good." Coulson nodded as he dismissed Peter. "Find The Winter Soldier."

Peter turned around and walked out, not wanting to spend another second with the traitor. He decided to roamed the hallways and try to find some escape routes. He missed his family dearly, but he couldn't stop the nagging voice that said that they couldn't save him. He didn't know how long it had been since he was taken. A week? A month? And it looked like this facility was well hidden.

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