I'm Sorry

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A/N: Yeah, I know ... I hate authors who make author notes into chapters. But, this is important.

I have my half yearly (or midterms, whatever you want to call it) soon, so I'm not going to publish anything until the end of September.

Please please please request. I'm out of ideas, so I might stop the book soon if I don't get some. Please comment your requests and I'll try my best to make it into a oneshot!

And thank you for the 1k+ views!! I never actually thought I'll get a 100, let alone 1000. Thank you!! I love you guys 3000!

Again, the next chapter is going to come out on October 1st!

Also: I'll be editing my earlier chapters, removing errors and such, but I might change small aspects of the plot too!

Until then, here are a few quotes I wrote which I think suit Tony:

What do you do, when people only look at the armor you made, and not at what's inside it?

When the world paints a picture of you, why try to be anything but that, when you know that no one's ever going to believe you?

You'll find that there's a great difference in me when I think no one's looking.

Isn't it sad when things don't hurt you anymore? Not because you don't care, but because you care so much that it leaves you numb.


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