Replaced (Part 1)

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A/N: This chapter is a little different! You get to choose what happens to Peter! If you choose path 1 then please read all the parts which are marked that way. Same applies for path 2. You can also mix and match.


It's been two months.
Two months since everyone forgot who he was.
Two months since everyone abandoned him.
Two months since the voices started speaking to him.
Two months since he became depressed.
Two months since he started cutting.
Two months since he lost everything that mattered to him.
Two months since Tony just... Forgot.


Scene 1

Path 1

Peter was boundlessly happy today. Even though the last few months were some of the most trying ones in his life, his bright eyes were sparkling with joy. He was swinging around to Stark tower as fast as he could.

It had been two months since he had last seen Tony. Fury had sent him and Nat undercover to a HYDRA base, much to Tony's hatred; Tony and the rest of the team still viewed him as a little kid who needed to be shielded from the worlds horror.

"Nat!" He exclaimed over the intercom.

"Yes, little spider?" Nat crooned. After spending a few months with Peter, she had become extremely close to him- helping him cope when HYDRA's torture became too much to bear. 

"Do you think Tony would go all 'protective parent mode' as soon as he realizes that we returned?" Peter wondered.

"No doubt about that!" Nat smiled, thinking of how grounded Peter was going to be if Tony found out about all the trouble he had caused in HYDRA. She still shuddered when thinking about all the things that had happened to them in just two months.

Peter and Nat reached the tower at the exact same time. Peter discreetly changed back from his secret identity to Peter Parker. They both sprinted towards the entrance and scanned their passes.

"Access denied." came out FRI's metallic voice.

Peter and Nat scanned their badges again, and got the same message. They could now see security jogging towards them.

"FRI! It's Peter and Nat!" Peter exclaimed. "I'm aware Peter, but Boss had asked me to cancel your key cards precisely 1 month and 1 week back, much to my protest may I add." replied FRIDAY rather sadly.

The security had reached them by now, and were asking them to leave.

"Let us meet Stark!" Nat demanded. "I'm an Avenger! Let me at least talk to him!"

It turned out FRI had notified Tony about the situation, as he had come down to the lobby.

"What's happening?" Tony demanded, rather irritated. "It better be good Nat, I'm missing my time with the kid."

Nat frowned at this and pointed at Peter. "Isn't this your kid?" Nat asked, confused.

"Who is this guy?" Tony said, not noticing that each passing second was ripping a hole in Peter's heart.

"It's me Ton-Mr. Stark. Peter. Peter Parker." Peter said, reverting back to what he used to call his father figure when he was still starstruck and intimidated by him.

"Oh right! That charity chase from Queens." Tony said, rolling his eyes.

Charity chase.

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