Replaced (Part 2)

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It had all happened in one moment.

Loki, Thor and Dr. Strange had arrived from their intergalactic relations trip one month after - well - the incident. It pained the Avengers to even acknowledge or think about what had happened.

Loki and Stephen had realized at once that someone had enchanted the Avengers, and was influencing their emotions, and had immediately removed the spell.

They found out that Jesper- who was actually a HYDRA spy- had mind control powers similar to Wanda, and had pushed the two people who didn't fall for his illusions far away from the Avengers. After their senses had returned to them, they had quickly made short work of Jesper and had attacked every single HYDRA base in search of the two ever since, as Jesper had goaded that the two were now part of Hydra.

Every single day without Peter and Nat was hell for the Avengers. It had been ten months now, and they were nowhere to be found. It was as if they had disappeared from the face of the Earth. Most of the Avengers thought that they were dead, but not Clint and Tony. They believed that Nat and Peter were a hell of a lot resilient than they seemed. 

All they could do was hope- but hope had seemed to become rarer these days.


Scene 3

Path 1

All it took was one decision for everything Peter had built to unravel.

It had been ten months since Nat had taken Peter away to Russia. As May was dead, Peter no longer had a place to live- and as the Avengers didn't want him anywhere near them, he had decided to live with Nat.

They were living under the guise of Petra and Natalie Romanova, mother and son, so that the Avengers couldn't find them. In fact, Nat had even officially adopted him.

At first, Peter was miserable that he couldn't be Spiderman; that would have allowed the Avengers to easily find out their location. Besides, Tony had taken away his suit. All he had left was a sub-standard suit that he had built on his own, using whatever materials he could find.

For the first few months, Peter had fallen into a disastrous spiral. He had passed out in a pool of his own blood, and Nat had bandaged him up- just like she had done when they were being tortured by Hydra. She had stayed with him every step of the way, and with her support, Peter had slowly learnt to take everything in stride.

Peter was walking towards his college when he noticed a crowd collected around something. He pushed through the crowd and stood rooted in shock as he looked at the bloody body of a man lying on the ground. He quickly overhead snippets of conversations that were flowing around him.

"Hostage situation-"

"Biggest building in the city-"

"Around 1000 people held hostage-"

"10 already dead-"

Peter had heard enough. Revealing that Spiderman was in Russia was worth saving a thousand lives, and he knew that Nat would agree  with him. He changed into his own Spiderman suit, which was red and blue with black accents and had a much bigger logo.

He swung onto the fifteenth floor of the building, where all the hostages were apparently kept. The entire crowd started gasping when they saw him.

"Oh my god! Is that Spiderman?"

"I thought he was dead!"

Peter ignored their shouts and crawled through the air duct- something one of them had taught him. He discreetly found every single terrorist, about thirty in total, and webbed them up securely, making sure that they couldn't contact their accomplices. He then found the location of the hostages, and discreetly breached the room through the ceiling.

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