He Shall'enth Leaveth His Worketh Aroundeth Anymore

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"Hey, guys! I'm home!" Peter shouted, walking out of the elevator and slamming his school bag onto the ground. He looked over his shoulder and realised that his family wasn't in the room.

"Hey, FRI. Where's dad and the rest?" Peter asked. "BPGP ( billionaire, playboy, genius, philanthropist) ( A/N: I didn't want to use tincan) is currently experimenting with Brucie Bear in the lab and the others have all gone for a SHIELD briefing." FRIDAY said.

Peter chuckled slightly at the nickname. He and Clint had hacked into FRI and changed everyone's name for an April fools prank, and it had just stuck around.

He walked over to the kitchen and made himself a sandwich - well - ten sandwiches. Growing spider babies needed to eat. He made a few sandwiches for Bruce and Tony too. Knowing them, they wouldn't have eaten or slept since they started.

He asked FRI to take him to Tony and Bruce and walked into his dad's private lab. "Hey! I bought sandwiches for the science bros." Peter shouted, but saw that the lab was empty.

"Huh." Peter shrugged, setting the plate down on the lab table.

He asked FRI to alert the two that he was in the lab and waited for them to come back. He quickly scarfed down all his sandwiches and then tried to find something to drink. He spotted the freezer that they kept in the lab, and walked towards it and opened the door.

Peter grabbed a bottle of brownish - black liquid, thinking that it was Coke, and took a big swig from it before setting it down on the table.

He grimaced at the taste and spat it out in surprise. This wasn't coke!

He quickly recapped the bottle and pushed it away in disgust before sitting back down. After a minute-much to Peter's horror-he could feel a warmth spreading through his lungs, making him feel tingly-the way you feel when you drink cough syrup during a bad cold.

All of a sudden, his entire body started quivering and his senses started buzzing and going haywire. He could feel something awful coursing through his body.

Peter felt dizzy and saw that everything around him had slowly started becoming big, making him startle. He then realised that he had become small, and started screaming.

By now Tony and Bruce had walked into the lab to see a five year old kid with brown, fluffy hair and big, brown doe eyes in clothes that were too large for him. He was scrunching his eyebrows and glaring at them, which made him look like an angry puppy. Tony silently started having a mini heart attack.

Bruce noticed the now half empty experiment and put two and two together. "He drank the experiment!" Bruce shouted.

"No 'hit 'erlock!" Peter said, pouting.

"Oh god! Oh god Oh god!" Tony shouted, nervous. "He did what - why did you do that Pete?" Tony asked, running a hand through his hair, frustrated.

"I thought it was Coke!" Peter said indignantly, but it sounded more like ' I 'ough it 'as 'oke!'.

"At least we know our experiment works..." Bruce said trying to look at the bright side. Tony rolled his eyes and hoisted kid-Peter onto his shoulder after he started tugging on Tony's pants and raising his arms in a 'pick me up!' gesture.

"At least I don't have to change his diapers." Tony shuddered "But I'm totally screwed if Pepper and the rest find out."

"C'mon Peter, let's find you some new clothes." Tony said, taking Peter out of the lab, instantly activating 'dad mode'. Bruce shook his head and followed.

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