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Peter flipped out of a portal, landing right in front of Star Lord as he willed his nanotech mask to retreat back into his suit so that he could absorb the whole scene.

What have we gotten ourselves into?

Peter took in a deep breath to keep his rising panic at bay, sucking in pure, unfiltered oxygen after a long time. Five years, according to Dr. Strange.

Pepper Potts landed in front of him in rescue, a suit Peter had made with Tony before... well, before all this happened. It was supposed to be a wedding gift.

"Avengers!" Captain America called out, making all the assembled heroes clutch their weapons tightly. Peter crouched low into the ground, his mask covering him once again as he readied himself for the final fight to follow.

"Assemble" Cap said as someone let out a battle cry, making everyone snap into action and barrel towards the never ending hoards at once.

Humans and aliens ran, screamed, tasered and stabbed. Hundreds of Thanos's soldiers fell as blasts echoed through every corner of the battlefield.

Some were attacking from the sky and some from the ground. Some were using weapons while some relied on the powers inside of them. Someone was fighting on a flying horse while other wizards like Dr. Strange conjured magical weapons and shields to fight with.

A hero wrapped electric whips around an alien in Peter's path as he made his way to a relatively uncluttered area in the battlefield. He webbed up a few soldiers on his way and instant-kill mode-ed some when he spotted a figure taking down a huge alien by using a fancy built-in blaster. Mr. Stark.

Peter jumped in between Ant-Man's giant legs, that had crushed the alien Tony was fighting as he ran towards his mentor. He grabbed Tony by the arm, who had fallen down in exhaustion, and hauled him up as his mask retracted back into his suit.

"Oh my god." He told Tony. "You will not believe what's been going on. Do you remember when we were in space?" He asked. "And I got all dusty? And I must've passed out, because I woke up and you were gone-" He rambled.

"But Dr. Strange was there right? And he said 'It's been five years, they need us!" Peter exclaimed. "And he started doing the yellow sparkly thing he always does-" He said, removing his hands off Tony's shoulder to make the same motion Dr. Strange made when opening a portal.

Peter stopped suddenly as he looked at Tony. He was staring at Peter with disbelief in his eyes as he inched closer to him. "What are you doing-" Peter asked, confused as Tony quickly enveloped him in a hug.

Peter let out a little exhale in surprise as he hugged Tony back. Tony smiled as he patted Peter on the back roughly. "Huh. This is nice." Peter said as Tony lightly kissed Peter's cheek. I missed you too Mr. Stark.

They stayed that way for a few more seconds, extracting themselves when Tony got distracted by something that flared up in his suit. "Scott. How long do you need to get that thing working?" Tony screamed into his comm over the sounds of the battle as Peter looked at him, confused.

Tony got off his comm, his helmet plate closing around him as he looked at Peter. "Let's whoop some alien asses kid." He said. Peter smiled as they separated and ran, both destroying the aliens that had advanced towards them.


Peter had jumped into the battle, doing as much damage as he could, helping others who where getting pinned down by aliens, when he spotted a  flash of purple. Thanos, the grape of bullshit.

He cleared a circle around Thanos and fought his way to him when he spotted a black clad figure with a bow strung on his back running around with the infinity gauntlet.

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