A Final Farewell

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Peter was in BIG trouble.

And that was the understatement of the century.

He threw his hands up, slowly backing up until his backpack pressed against the wall. Dammit. He couldn't even fight them back without revealing that he was Spider-Man. Guess he'll have to get out of this the Peter Parker style.

"H-hey guys" He fake stuttered. "I don't have any money, if that's what you want, and I can't do your homework's without the teachers knowing." He said.

"Money?" Flash scoffed. "I have no need for money. I'm here for a different reason." He said, cracking his knuckles. "You got better marks then me. In three tests. You made me look dumb in front of MJ today."

Aaah. So this was about Flash's 'little' crush on MJ.

By now, Flash and his goons had surrounded him, leaving only a sliver of distance between them.

"You got 10 marks Flash. You made yourself  look dumb. Besides, MJ knew that you were an idiot already." Peter said before he could stop himself, and instantly regretted it.

Sometimes he hated his sass.

Guess he'll just have to be Flash and his goon's punching bag tonight.

"What did you say?" Flash said, eyebrows twitching. He pulled his fist back, and Peter readied himself for the blow that was about to land on his face.

But it never came.

Peter tilted his head slightly to look at what had stopped Flash, and his jaw nearly dropped.

A girl had caught his fist and now looked at him sternly, tapping her foot against the ground.

"If he wanted a face that resembled mashed potatoes, he would have just asked you to give him pointers. Now stop picking on him." She said.

He liked her.

Flash turned to look at her, his mouth opening and closing like a fish. "What? Is English to complicated for you to understand? I would help you, but I don't speak dumbass. Perhaps your friends here can translate for you."

Flash unfroze and pulled his fist back angrily. "You better leave right know if you know what's good for you. I'll give you time to run because you're a girl, but stay here for one more second or utter another word and the next thing you know, you'll be face first against the floor."

"Oops. Too late." She smirked.

Flash beckoned for his over-glorified bodyguards to hit her, but she was faster. Before they could react, she spun around and roundhouse kicked one and punched one in the stomach so hard that a little blood flew from his mouth.

They both fell to the ground, unconscious, causing Flash to start gaping again. "How about me giving you an opportunity to run, huh? I'll count to 5. 1-2-3..." But she never got to finish as Flash ran away faster than a cheetah, and Peter could swear that Flash had peed his pants a little.

"Thank you." Peter said slowly. She smiled and turned to acknowledge him. "Don't thank me, thank SC.

Aaah. The ever elusive SC.

She had saved his life five times by now and he was dying to know who she, or he, was. "Who is SC?" Peter asked his savior. "That I can't tell you." She said, sounding remorseful.

She turned away and jogged onto the streets, leaving as suddenly as she came.

"Wait!" Peter exclaimed, catching up to her. "At least tell me who you are!"

She turned around, eyes sparking with amusement.

"You can call me Y/N."


A/N: Dun dun duuuun.

And with this ends the great one shot collection by sc_fangirl. Sorry male readers. The character had to be female for pure badassness.

Thank you so much for the 5K reads!!!!!!!

This is, obviously, my last chapter. I would like to thank everyone who has read my book. All of you made me so happy everytime I saw my views go up or my phone ping with a notification.

I love you guys soooo much. One can say I even love you, well, 3000.

I would like to specially thank a few people. Cat_violin_ , lamming19, arrogantdog, weaselmerch and AnastasiaAsiminou.

I really, really hope I got your usernames right!

Every single one of you made my journey of writing this book magical, and I can't thank you enough. You showed me that there is someone out there who really think what I do is worth something.

I'm getting a little tearful, now that this amazing chapter is done. These have been some truly magical months for me. And I want to thank you, yes YOU, dear reader, for doing so.

And today's my birthday, so I would like to thank you all for making it so special. 

Well, I guess this is the end.

May the odds ever be in your favour and live long and prosper.

This is sc_fangirl,

Signing off.


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