Chapter 1

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Fallyn woke with a start, another dream stirring her awake. Dreams of destruction, dreams of heartache.

Dreams filled with whispered promises that she had grown numb to hearing.

But it was the deep rumble that echoed through her being that told her there was a change coming. She could feel it in the air. It tingled on her skin, like currents of electricity.

She sighed, her golden eyes flickering around the quiet room. She stepped through the empty house, feeling the absence of those dearest to her, and recalling the dreams that reminded her of their loss. The time for mourning was drawing to an end, however.

To leave was to expose secrets that should remain hidden - at least until the time of change was upon them.

To stay was to be a coward, to remain chained by ancient regrets.

"You know what it is you must do."

"But you cannot follow," Fallyn stepped out into the night air, her golden eyes flickering over the dark shape before her.

"No, but I know you are not weak. You will return when it is time."

"Ir abelas, ma falon," Fallyn smiled sadly. "I must leave you alone."

"I know, little one. Leave in the cover of darkness, least the elves try and stop you. Go to the Varden, learn what has become of Arya, then return with news or her."


She returned to the house to gather supplies for her journey. A black hood was pulled over snowy hair, low to hide her tattooed face in its shadows. A black scabbard strapped to hips, its sword sheathed within - a black diamond gleamed from its pommel. An ivory dagger was hidden within her clothes - easy to access but hidden. Then, with one final glance about her home, she stepped out to where a large black horse approached her, nuzzling her cheek. 

"Come, Clathus. Tonight, we ride."

The horse whinnied, and she threw a riding blanket over his back. Then, without a backward glance, she rode into the night. There could be no more looking back, no more dwelling in the past.

Age of the Dragon 1: Return of the RidersWhere stories live. Discover now