Chapter 17

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The next day, Fallyn was preparing to leave her room when she heard a knock at her door. Strapping her sword to her hip, she opened the door to find a dwarf on the other side.

"King Hrothgar requests your presence," the dwarf said gruffly.

"Take me to him," she said, closing her door behind her.

She followed the dwarf to the throne room, below the city, where she came before the king.

She smiled widely.

"Greetings, King Hrothgar!"

"And to you, Rider Fallyn," the king smiled fondly, standing to greet the elf himself.

"There is more white in your beard than grey now," she teased as the two embraced fondly.

"And you haven't changed at all since my youth," he laughed. "Your hair is still white!"

"I apologise that I did not linger long enough to speak with you the last time I was here, da'len," she said. "I find myself restless as of late."

"I understand that it has something to do with our Isidar Mithrim?" he frowned, concerned.

"A vision, of its petals scattered as the first sign of unstoppable change," Fallyn said, her expression sombre. "I do not know truly what it means. Does it speak of the gem itself? Shattered and lost? Or does it speak of the clans scattering and becoming divided."

Hrothgar stroked his beard, humming in response.

"I know neither is a prospect we want to entertain, but of the two..." Fallyn spread her hands with a helpless expression.

"I know, I too would prefer it being the gem," he sighed. "The scattering and division of the clans would only weaken us, especially with war so close at hand."

"That is only one of the signs," she said softly.

"I take it, that Eragon and Saphira are the other sign?"

Fallyn nodded. "I also saw silver wings on the horizon, riding the sun, shadows that come to life... And a rose with thorns that bleed."

"Such strange visions," Hrothgar shook his head with a heavy sigh. "But now, I must ask you. The boy that Ajihad keeps locked away... Is he someone we can trust?"

"Why do you ask a question, when the answer will not sway you?" Fallyn asked. "I consider him to be trustworthy, yet many others would find him disagreeable on account of his sire."

"Would you give your life for him?" Hrothgar's eyes held a calculating gleam.

Fallyn shook her head. "My life is not my own. I cannot give it for another when I must first live for many others."

Hrothgar's expression softened as if Fallyn had passed some test.

"I spoke with Eragon," he said, moving over to his throne. "I asked him if he would take Galbatorix's place as king once the mad king is dead."


"He said only if there was no other to take it," Hrothgar said. "What about you, old friend? Would you take the throne?"

"I have no desire to rule," Fallyn shook her head. "Besides, a kingdom, like any creature... needs to grow and change. It cannot do that if its ruler remains unchanging."

Another test passed.

"I have only one request to ask you now, old friend," Hrothgar said. "Watch over the Rider, and see that he learns to see the world as you do. For I fear he may make things worse by trying to please everyone."

"You're not wrong," Fallyn sighed. "I fear, I have my work cut out for me."

"That you do," the dwarf king laughed.

Age of the Dragon 1: Return of the RidersWhere stories live. Discover now