Chapter five

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"Nice weather to go swimming, unlike the other many rainy days you get here," I looked to Arthur, who was in his swim trunks. He was super white on his legs, like he doesn't get out much. I am sure other parts of him are also as white, or possibly more white. "So your friends, they understand you?"Arthur asked, and I nodded, smiling. "Yeah, they speak French as well. So it was easier to communicate with them. So I ask that they just talk to me in English, and I answer in French. They were really nice about it," I explained, making him nod. "What are their names?" Arthur asked another question.  "Antonio and Gilbert, but they will have other people there," I explained, and he nodded, walking beside me.

Antonio and Gilbert shared a place off campus, so we had to go there. "I brought sunscreen," Arthur said, holding some out of his bag. "You actually might need it," I said, looking at how white his legs were. "I know I am really light-complected, but you do not need to keep staring," He started to sass, looking away. Light completed? he was a ghost... Yeah, they are going to love him. We walked up to the front porch and heard the music playing from the backyard. "Francis! You came, and you brought your friend," Antonio smiled as he stood aside to let us in.

"Everyone else is already outside, so feel free to join them while I finish making the salsa" Antonio smiled, pointing to the door. "If you need to change, the restroom is that way," Antonio pointed in another direction. Arthur and I just needed to just take our shirts off and we would be fine. As we walked outside, we saw a mix of people. Maybe about ten other people. Some girls and some guys.

"Francis!" Gilbert jumped up and pulled me along. "I see you brought your friend," he laughed as he pointed to Arthur who was looking around the backyard a bit cluelessly. "Let me introduce the both of you to everyone," He smiled as we looked at everyone.

"Aye, we know you! Hey!" We both looked at Alfred sitting next to Ivan in the pool. "Hey!" I laughed as Arthur looked at them a bit as if paying them no mind. "Well, That is great that you have met" Gilbert smiled. "Yeah, they are in the dorm across from us," Arthur explained, crossing his arms as Alfred coughed nervously. "Well, anyway, this is Ludwig and his girlfriend daisy," Gilbert pointed to two other people as Arthur and I waved.

"Those two are Elizabeta and Roderich; they are almost a thing," Gilbert laughed "no, we are not," Elizabeta shouted back. "That is Kiku and his brother Yao, they mostly speak Chinese, but they know English and French" Gilbert smiled happily. "Lastly, That is Lucila, Daisy's sister," he pointed to her, making her cross her arms looking away. "It is nice to meet you all," Arthur and I said in unison. I tried my best to say it in English.

"Well!!!! Let's get this party started! The salsa is ready," Antonio came out shouting as everyone cheered. "I am going to put some sunscreen on," Arthur pointed to a place under an umbrella. "Okay," I answered before I was pushed into the water by Gilbert. "Hey!" I laughed, splashing him.

"We got water guns!" Antonio tossed water guns to everyone as they started a mini battle. They were such children. I looked over to Arthur, who was reading a book. Why won't he join us? "Arthur! Come on! It feels nice" I smiled at him. He breathed out and looked at me unamused. "I would rather not, have fun, though," he shook his head, looking back to his book.

"He won't come?" Alfred asked sadly. "No, he might not be in the mood to swim" I answered my best in English, still having my accent pour through my words. I soon started swimming out of the deep end. This pool was super deep; it went to almost thirty feet deep. It was cool, actually. "Francis come and help me bring some water bottles out," Antonio called, and I nodded, getting out of the pool.

As we walked inside, I saw Lucila sitting on the sofa on her phone. "You are not in the mood?" Antonio asked, and she nodded. "So why won't Arthur come and swim?" Antonio asked. "I do not know; I think he is not in the mood. He was telling me he didn't really like water, though," I explained, and he nodded. "So he does not want to swim because he does not like water?" He asked, and I nodded. "Yeah, He seemed a bit nervous about it too, now that I think about it," I said, confused.

"Nervous?" He asked, confused. "Idiots, have you thought that maybe he has a fear of the water, or maybe, I do not know, he can not swim?" Lucila looked at both of us, annoyed. "He is English. I hear English people can not swim," Antonio laughed, looking at me as we started to walk outside with the water. "Maybe. Do you think he is too embarrassed to talk about it?" I asked as we walked outside. "Probably," Antonio answered.

"LET GO OF ME NOW!" We heard a shout making us turn to see Alfred and Gilbert holding Arthur by the arms and legs over the water. "Oh no," Antonio said, worried as everyone looked laughing in a jokingly way at them. "Ready?" Alfred called as they started to swing him back and forth.

"1!!!! ....2.....!!!!!-."

"WAIT, STOP!!!" I yelled, dropping the water bottles and running towards them. "3!!!!" They yelled, tossing him into the water. Arthur soon sunk to the bottom. "Why did you do that?" I said, angry, diving into the water. I opened my eyes and saw him struggling to pull himself out. I tried swimming faster toward him, but the pool was super deep. I soon saw Arthur stop struggling as his eyes closed.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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