Chapter ten

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"Francis, come to a party tonight at eight!" Antonio put his arm around me, happy. "I don't know; I kind of wanted to hang out with Arthur in the dorm," I explained as Gilbert choked on his drink. "No way, are the both of you a thing?" He asked, surprised. "What? No, I just like his company" I laughed, shaking my head, but the both of them looked confused. "Are you going to watch another movie with him or something?" Antonio asked, lifting a brow. "No, I just like teasing him," I laughed, making them look at me weirdly. "Why don't you invite him then?" Antonio suggested as I soon started to think about it. "I can ask, but if he doesn't want to go, then I won't go," I started to whistle, looking away.

"Seriously?" Antonio laughed. "No, I do not know, but I will consider it," I smirked. I would rather hang out with Arthur in the dorm than be at a party. But if Arthur comes, that would be great too. "Well, ask him," Gilbert nudged me. "I will once I get to the dorm," I smiled, waving them off. "Text us later," Antonio called as I continued to walk away.

"I am back," I called, taking my shoes off. Arthur was lying on his bed studying. "How's it going?" He closed his book looking at me. "Pretty well; want to go to a party tonight?" I asked, trudging to my bed and throwing myself down on it. "Really?" He asked, shocked, and I nodded. "But it is okay if you don't want to go." I smiled, putting my face down. I was hoping he would say no so we could stay here. "Alright, sure," he said, making my head snap, confused.

"What? I can have fun too," he argued, and I nodded. "Alright then, it starts at eight. I will get more information from Antonio right now," I said, taking my phone out. "Perfect, I get out of class today at six" he smiled. "We will go together, so I will wait for him till you get out. I am not in a rush to go really," I laughed, sitting up on the bed. "Well, it is time for me to go now, so I will see you later" Arthur looked at the time and picked up his things quickly. "Yes! We will have time before, so we should go eat!" I suggested. "Yes, that is fine. I must go now. Goodbye," he said hurrying out the door.

Once he left, I started to text Antonio and Gilbert in our group chat.
Me: he said yes

Gilbert: finally! Francis getting some ass

Antonio: that is good

Antonio: Gil, don't say that!!!

Me: it is okay...

Me: the comment, not his ass

Antonio: we know what you meant, no need to specify

Gilbert: be honest, you have a small crush on Arthur???¿

Antonio: leave him alone already; they are just good friends.

Me: yeah!!!

Gilbert: yeah to what?!

Antonio: is there something you need to discuss?

Me: I agreed with Antonio. Now! Give me details for tonight already.

Antonio: right, well, it is a house party at Kiku and Yao's place. You remember where they live, right?

Me: yes, so at their place, at 8?

Gilbert: Yes!

Me: alright, thanks.


I looked at the ceiling, a bit lonely. "A crush? On Arthur?" I said out loud, confused.  My phone buzzed, and I looked down to see that Gilbert sent me a link "since you are having confused thoughts," he wrote. I clicked the link, and the site said, "how to know if you have a crush" What an odd coincidence.

Me: thanks, but I am fine

Gilbert: just try it!!!!! Please!!!

Me: Fine

I laughed at his text and started to feel like a girl taking this stupid quiz. "Do you ever find this person crossing your mind out of the blue?" Read the first question, and I already wanted to throw my phone against the wall. Damn it, Gilbert! I quickly got out of the link and stared at my phone. I don't get crushes; what am I? Fifteen?

I lay back on the bed and kept thinking about it. "I guess it won't kill me to have fun with it," I laughed, grabbing my phone to answer the stupid questions. 

~~~~~~the quiz~~~~~

1."Do you ever find this person crossing your mind out of the blue?"

Answer: "Sure"

2. "Do you think he or she is attractive?"

Answer: "he/she is mediocre in appearance."

3. "Has he or she ever appeared in your dreams (day or night)?"

Answer: not that I can recall

4. "Do you WANT to like this person?"

"What? Aren't you supposed to tell me that? Maybe they mean as a friend. Because I do" I looked at the phone, annoyed just answering anyway.

Answer: "I guess I'm not opposed to it, but I'm not like, "Yo, lemme get attached to this person for the heck of it"

5. " Would you say your personalities would vibe in a relationship?"

Does that mean we would get along?

Answer: I don't think it would be bad...We could make it work

6. "Have you ever considered a relationship with this person?"

Now that I think about it, I have not.

Answer: not really

7. "How easily do you start to like someone?"

Answer: My attention isn't all that easy to catch

8. "Do you ever find yourself staring at this person?"

Son of a bitch!!!!!!!!

Answer: Yes, although I try not to. It's not like a dreamy stare, though. I would call it "looking."

9. "Do you ever find yourself jealous when this person is with someone of the opposite or same gender?"

I have never really seen him with anyone before, so it is hard to say.

Answer: Nah, I'm not the jealous type. Maybe on occasion (depends on the context of the situation)

I am sure I would not be the type to be jealous. At least, I do not think so.

10. "Do you ever find yourself looking for this person?"

I guess I do that sometimes.....

Answer: Sometimes


Am I Crushing?

Oh, heck yes, you're crushing. C'mon, denial isn't healthy - you're definitely into this person. No doubt about that one. So why don't you just go for it and see where things lead? You're a little indifferent. You don't seem to particularly want to like this person, but he or she is slipping into your mind, whether or not you're aware of it. Obviously, this person is in your head since you're taking this quiz, so there's a little something there for sure.

"None of that makes any sense." I breathed out, tossing my phone to the side. Thanks for Nothing, Gilbert.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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