Chapter fourteen

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"Okay losers, let's get this game started, Lucila laughed as Arthur, Antonio and I wobbled for the starting line. "I do not think I will-." Antonio tried starting before throwing up all over the floor. "You tomato-loving bastard! That is disgusting," Lucila yelled as he started to lay on the floor drunk. "Are you two up for it still?" She looked to Arthur, who kept smiling at the air around him. "My fairy friends say yes," he laughed, making me facepalm at his drunkness."I will do my best," I said, rubbing my throbbing head. Everything around me was dizzy; who knew how long I would last doing another race?

Arthur was drunk, though. I had no idea what was going on inside his head. He was literally in La La land. "Francis, carry me across," Arthur smiled, putting an arm around my neck. "This is a race, Arthur," I laughed, trying to get him to let go of me. Deep down, I did not want him to let go. Why did he have to be so affectionate like this when he was drunk? "Alright, idiots, get ready! This will only be one lap," Lucila yelled, stepping over Antonio and looking at Arthur and me.

"Get set!" She yelled, lifting her hand in the air delicately. "Go!!!!" She yelled, and I started to jog a bit so I would not fall over. Everything was getting funny. I looked ahead, and Arthur was taking the lead and chugging down all the shots. What the actual hell?! I could not believe my eyes. Seeing him do that almost made all the alcohol in my system start to disappear as I tried focusing on catching up to him. "You have to be faster than that!" He slurred, spinning around and falling to the ground.

"Are you okay?" I asked, stopping to help him up. "Back up! I got this" he pushed me away, trying to get up slowly. "I could hold my locker better than you any day! Old man," he yelled, getting up, pointing the finger at me. "Dear god," I said in English with my accent coming through. " once he carried himself up, I started to drink the shots quickly so I could catch up to him. I did my spins quickly and started to run behind him. How was he still so fast? It did not make sense. He was wobbling drunk too!!!

I needed one more stop, I already knew Arthur was about to win, so I started to walk very tiredly. "ARTHUR WINS!!!!" Lucila called as Arthur laughed falling to the floor. "are you okay?" I said, worried, running drunkenly towards him. "Yes," he laughed so cutely. "Here" I smiled holding my hand out for him to grab. He stared at it for a bit, soon smiling at me. "Okay," he held my hand and pulled me to the ground with him. How was he so strong too? He was so skinny; did he hide it in those old man clothes of his?

"Okay, so what is my prize?" Arthur asked everyone. "I know!" Gilbert butt in as Antonio watched with pleasure. "What?" I asked as they looked at me. "It is a kiss from Francis," Antonio smirked. "WHAT?! I NEVER KNEW ABOUT THAT!"  I said, confused as Arthur watched, laughing. "That sounds like a great prize," he laughed. I am sure he has no idea what is going on right now. "Just on the cheek, buddy," Antonio pointed to his cheek that had vomit on it. Disgusting.....

I looked at Arthur, who looked as if he was about to pass out from the alcohol. I do not think that would be a good idea. He is drunk, I am tipsy, and everyone else here was drunk. It did not seem right. "I will pass, he is drunk," I explained, and they both shrugged their shoulders. "Really?" Arthur asked sadly, and I nodded. "Well, What about when I am not?" He asked. His head was spinning in circles as if he was getting dizzy.  "We should go, Arthur; you need some sleep" I shook my head, starting to lift him in my arms in a bridal-style sort of position.

"What? Already? I wanted a few more shots." He said sadly, messing up my hair. "Maybe another time," I tried moving my head out of his hands. "Already?" Gilbert said sadly, and I nodded In a sorry way. "Okay then, be safe," Elizabeta called, drinking more alcohol.  "Thank you," I waved to them, adjusting Arthur in my arms. He was starting to fall asleep slowly. "Are you okay?" I asked him, worried. "Yes, yes, take me home now, fairy," he touched my hair again and smiled. "Such beautiful hair for a beautiful girl," he smiled.

"Wow, That was funny and hurtful at the same time." I shook my head, laughing. "If you say so, love," Arthur turned his head, speaking English to me. God, he is dead drunk. What am I going to do with him? I smiled at him as he started to fall asleep as I continued to walk with him in my arms. He was so cute and precious, and it made my heart beat so hard and fast, carrying him this so close to me. I have never felt this way before. I liked it, and I liked it a lot.


Once we arrived at the dorm, I set him on his bed, taking off his shoes and sweater so he could be more comfortable. "Sleep tight, you beautiful British bastard," I laughed, covering him with the blankets. I moved the hair out of his face, smiling. "Good night Arthur..." I added once more, taking off my shoes and sweater/clothes. I was extremely tired, and it did not help that the alcohol was making it worse. As I lay in bed, I could not stop thinking of Arthur beside me. I need to get my emotions straightened out, and this is not good!

Thanks for reading so far❤️

Sorry about the slow updates

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