Chapter six

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"Idiot! You should have said something," I said, pulling him out of the water. He was passed out. "Oh my god! He could not swim? How were we supposed to know?" Gilbert said, worried as everyone surrounded Arthur. "Sorry about this, friend," I said as I placed my hand on his chest and started to push against it a few times. "Francis, are you going to?" Antonio said, shocked as I opened Arthur's mouth, breathing into it, and pushed against his chest again.

"He could die if I don't do anything," I explained as everyone watched nervously. " 1. 2. 3." I counted before I breathed more air into his mouth. "Wake up, idiot," I said, annoyed, pushing against his chest again. "1..2..3.." I said, breathing air into his mouth. It seemed like I was doing this for an eternity until, "Huggggh!!!!" Arthur coughed out water and started coughing as he tried to catch his breath. Arthur looked at us as he looked confused. "What happened?" He asked, feeling how wet he was.

Antonio brought a towel to wrap around Arthur as I looked at him, relieved. "You fell into the water," I said, worried, sitting down on the floor beside him. "Sorry, we did not know you could not swim," Gilbert explained, feeling bad. "Francis luckily was able to save you," Elizabeta explained, and he looked confused. "What? How?....." Arthur asked, horrified as people started to look away. "Let's just say that it is called "the kiss of life" for a reason," Lucila laughed, making Arthur place a hand on his lips as his face turned red.

"Arthur, I had to save you," I explained and he held his hand up for me to stop talking. "I know, thank you, but next time, just let me die," he begged, looking at the concrete floor, horrified. "Hey! You should feel honored," I crossed my arms, looking away. "Me? Honored? More like disgusted. I mean, I am grateful for you saving me and all, but there were other ways" Arthur looked at me, crossing his arms, "I was worried" I tried to defend myself. "Worried? Why would a frog like you be worried?" Arthur looked at me, annoyed, as I stayed quiet.

"Well, we are just going to leave you both to it," daisy laughed nervously as everyone nodded, walking away. "Because you are my friend," I explained, and Arthur's face softened. "Really?" He asked unsurely, and I nodded. "Yes! Why else would I be trying so hard," I laughed out, defeated? "Fine.... uh- thank you for saving my life," Arthur turned red once more as he tried to hide it by looking away somewhere else.

"No worries, you owe me now, though," I laughed, standing up, holding a hand out for him to grab. "This is what I get," he shook his head, standing up by himself, slapping my hand away from him. "What's wrong?" I asked him as he still looked flushed. "Nothing... it's just, I was unconscious for it," he said, looking down. What did he mean by that?

"Let's go and eat some chicken sandwiches," I smiled, pointing to the table. "Fine," he huffed out and followed behind me. "why didn't you tell me you could not swim? I would not have urged you to come," I said, feeling bad. "Because it was none of your business, besides... you looked so happy, I could not refuse," he said, tapping his foot as he tried not to look at me. He was finally dropping some barriers around me, no matter how hard he tried to fight it.

I am finally getting through to him. Just like I wanted. "I would have understood," I smiled at him putting my chin on the palm of my hand. "Listen, just because you got away with kissing me once, that does not mean I will let you walk all over me now," he stated, crossing his arms. "It was actually five times," I corrected, making his jaw drop. "So you had to keep track?" He asked, horrified. "Of course," I laughed, messing with him. I knew this bothered him, but he was so cute when he got so embarrassed the way he did.

"If you want, I can give you a remake of it when we get to the dorm later," I said in a flirting tone before starting to laugh at his face turning red once more. "How dare you say that to me," he said, glaring at me but taking a bite from his sandwich.  I could see right through him. He was a nice and soft person on the inside, I am sure he has reasons for putting up such high walls around himself. Like he is trying to protect himself from a mistake he made.

"What are you looking at?" He asked, annoyed and I shrugged my shoulders. "You, of course" I smiled, drinking water. "What? Why?" He jumped in his seat nervously. "Because...... I want to know more about you; look in the deepest parts of your soul" I smiled at him, but it made him angry. "Stop being a pervert and eat your food," he looked at me and pointed to my food in front of me. "The fact that you thought it was perverted makes you the perverted one," I pointed to him, laughing as he placed his sandwich down, annoyed once more.

"If you think it will be that easy, then you are wrong. I barely know you," he looked at me, and I shrugged my shoulders. "Then maybe we should definitely change that," I smiled, and he started to blush up a storm. "No thanks," he crossed his arms together in an "x" way. As if saying no in big, bold letters. "We will see about that," I smiled at him once more. I could tell he wanted company, no matter how much he made it seem like he was better off by himself. I am determined to have him open up to me. Because I know deep down, that he was warm and sweet. No matter how much he tried to hide it.

Thanks for reading so far❤️

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