Chapter sixteen

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"Okay, first things first. How do you feel about him?" Antonio asked, sipping his coffee. They both looked at me seriously as I fiddled with my thumbs.
"See, I am not sure, but this morning..... there was a moment."
"A moment?!" They both said in unison, coming closer to me. "Explain," Gilbert jumped up and down. "Well.....he asked about what happened last night, so I told him. Especially with him winning the race. Anyway, he asked if he won anything, and I said yes but did not tell him what it was-." They started to look at me, annoyed as I cut myself off.

"But!!!! He asked, so I did tell him," I finished, and they sat back nodding. "So what happened?"Antonio asked, interested. "He asked me to give it to him....." I said slowly, and they both jumped up and shook me roughly back and forth. "Stop it, please," I laughed nervously. They both took a seat and looked at me. "Go on...." Antonio coughed, trying to hold back a smile or a laugh; I could not tell. He was too excited about it.

"I may have..... started telling him the things I liked about him after I kissed his cheek. But I stopped.....because I said, I loved when he did certain things... and then I almost..." I was too nervous to say it. "What?! You have to tell us," Gilbert pressured me. "No way! You told him you loved him!!!" Antonio roared, making me jump up to get him to be quiet. "No!!!! I stopped myself," I explained, and they looked miserable. "Why would you do that?" Gilbert said, angry, punching my shoulder. "Because!!!! I was not sure how I felt, "I added, and they both looked at me like they wanted to punch me again.

"Calm down! We are all friends here," I said nervously, backing my seat away from them. "Are you an idiot?! And you call yourself French. You are obviously into him" Gilbert shook his head at me. "Are you sure? Because I thought a lot about it, and I do not want to make him uncomfortable" I laughed, and they glared at me again. "Ugh! So you do like him...." Antonio shook his head as he pointed the finger at me. I thought about it for a second and remembered all the times I would get happy just seeing him, especially if he smiled that sweet smile.

"Maybe a little," I laughed out with my eyes closed as I thought about his sweet smile. "Damn, you got it bad," Gilbert laughed, making me snap out of it. "What do I do? What if he does not feel the same? What if I can not tell him how I feel? What if I-." I was cut off by Antonio holding his hand up in a swift motion. "Do not worry; we will help you," he smiled, making Gilbert jump up in excitement. "Help?how?"

"I know!!! Get him a gift" Gilbert lifted his hand and nodded. Arthur likes those stuffed animals; maybe I could find him a nice one. "Do you have anything in mind?" Antonio asked, seeing me deep in thought. "I do. He likes stuffed animals, so I could find him one. He seems to like mythical creatures from what I could tell," I smiled. Yes, I could find him a nice dragon or something. Maybe find some old English folklore and get something related to that, or something with Peter Pan. I do not know, but I will figure it out.

"Wait, I should give it to him in a romantic way, right?" I asked, confused, and they nodded. "How should I do that?" I asked, and they thought for a moment. "We probably do not know, but I am sure you do," Gilbert smiled. So he does not know. "Just try to do something special, from the heart" Antonio placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled kindly at me. Yes! Something from the heart........ something from the heart..... something-from the heart? .... heart?

"Ahhh!!! Hahaha, I have no idea either."
"Talk about him!"
"As if you could have come up with anything!"
"I did say probably not."
"You used the word not!"
"Okay, enough!!! Gilbert, leave him be; he is just nervous" Antonio laughed, trying to defend me. I need to come up with something while I find that gift. Maybe then I can be subtle about my feelings, maybe try explaining how I feel? Hopefully, he will realize it and feel the same way, maybe? I do not know. I want this to go well.

"Judging by that look, I am sure you will figure something out," Antonio smiled, taking a bite of his food. "Maybe, I will need to see," I said nervously. This had to go smoothly.... for Arthur.


So when I returned to the dorm, I spent the whole time while Arthur was in class figuring out a plan. I thought I should surprise him with food since he likes food. Then I try to have a nice conversation, then bring up the gift. If he asks why I got him the gift, I will try and hint at how I feel. I am afraid that if I tell him straightforwardly that I might scare him off, and I do not want to do that.

"Hey Francis, What are you doing?"
"What!!!?? When did you?-." I said nervously, hiding the papers. I quickly checked the time, and it was seven pm, the time he would have usually been done with his class. "I am doing nothing, just research," I explained, making him nod suspiciously. "Oh... if you say so.." he soon started to take off his shoes.... and then his ... his shirt. "What are you doing?" I asked nervously, looking away. "I am just going to change real quick, don't be a girl about it," he laughed at me, striping. I had never in my life felt so sexually frustrated before.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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