A cold wind hit me and my eyes flew open. I looked over the cold, windowless, concrete room and the events from last night came flooding back. "I'm so stupid." I groaned and tried to push my hair out of my face, but my wrists were stopped in their place. Moving my arms again I sighed and stopped when I realized they were chained to the floor, blarely going past my hips. The door was slammed open, causing me to back away towards the wall. The dark figure of the man dropped a plate of food in front of me. He came behind me and loosened the chains so I was able to actually use my hands.
"Eat." I did as he said and ate the plate of what tasted like eggs as he stood there and watched me.
"You don't have to watch me ya know. I'm eating." I pointed to the half eaten plate and looked up to the shadow face of a silent man.
"I need to make sure you eat. Masters orders." I rolled my eyes and finished off my plate, pushing it to him when I was done. He nodded and headed out with the plate in his hand, coming back only to tighten my chains once more. Once again, an hour or so of 'alone time', the door slowly opened, letting in a bit of light. This time however it was a shorter man, who was wearing a suit. He was carrying a lantern so I could actually see.
"I thought you might like some light." He gave me a small smile and sat the lantern next to me. His presence sent shivers down my spine. He was an erie little thing. "I apologize for waking you last night dear, but you didn't come with the others so my men were confused." I didn't say anything, just glared at him. "Oh, don't be like that. This is for a good cause. Trust me."
"What are you talking about?" I was scared. What did he mean a "good cause"? What was he going to do? As a reaction I started pulling on my chains, whincing when they dug deep into my skin.
"I wouldn't try that darling, It's pointless." That stupid grin on his face made me sick. How could he act like nothing was wrong? I struggled harder, earning a laugh from him. "You may be strong, but these were designed to hold even the strongest of the dragon slayers." I stopped pulling and glared at him, wanting to beat him.
Once he got tired of my stares, his face turned serious. "Ashe, I'm not going to play around. Where are your uncle's notes." Well, at least the group was right. I spit in his eye, smirking when he backed up. He wiped his face and the glare he gave me, lets just say if looks could kill there'd be nothing left of me. Whe he walked out I thought that was it, "Fine, we'll do this the hard way." he left the room and the big guy from before walked in, locking the door behind him.
Before I could even realize what was happeneing the back of his hand had made its way to my face, causing me to cry out in pain for a breif moment. It didn't stop there, he kicked me in the stomach while I was down, and pulled on my hair so I was sitting back up only to punch me in the jaw. I couched up blood and the thug left.
Crying, I rolled up into a ball, or the best I could do with my hands chained. I stared into space as I lied there, Rogue, please, save me.
Rogue's P.O.V.
"Where is she?" I was searching the entire house for Ashe. When she wasn't up by nine, I thought maybe she wasn't feeling well so I went to check on her but I couldn't find her. I checked everyroom even the back guest house. "Where the hell could she have gone?" Than a horrible thought came to my mind, what if the group of thugs got her? Just as I was about to head back to the that shack, the front door opened slowly. I was so relieved I ran to the door, only to see Illiana standing there. Everyone gathered in the door way and stared at the tired looking girl.
"I know where Ashe is." Her eyes were red and puffy, her hair a mess and she looked like she hadn't slept. We walked her to the dining room and sat her at the head of the table. "I'm so sorry." She cried into her eyes and I felt anger boil inside of me. I wanted to yell and scream at her but I knew that wouldn't help get Ashe.
"Illiana, we need you to tell us what you know, please." Yukino reached over and grabbed a hand from her face. Illiana nodded and took a deep a breath. She told us about how the mayor was the "master" of this group and how they never meant to grab her. She said they used her sister to get her to bring Ashe back to the shack, and how after they gave her a tour of their proud accomplishments, they allowed her to go. She kept apologizing, but everyone understood and no one blamed her, anyone would do the samething in that position.
"I know where they're keeping her, but I don't know what they want with her." She looked down at the table and smiled a bit. "You guys don't have to worry about Lexi though, they treat her like a princess there."
"So what are we waiting for?" I stood up and looked at everyone. "We should go get her. We know where she is so it'll be easy."
"They still have that magic blocking thing." Rufus said, looking over at me, obviously still feeling trrible about the night before.
"It's some kind of lacrima." Illiana spoke up and we turned to look at her. "He was so proud he found a way to block magic with some lacrima. If we were able to find it than I'm sure we'd be able to break it."
"What about your sister? Won't they hurt her if you go back?" Sting was concerned, he didn't want unnecesary people caught up in the conflict.
"I called her before I arrived here and warned her to get out of town until I say otherwise. She's going to be staying with some friends in the mountains."
"Are you sure you want to risk it?"
"I need to make ammends for what I did to Ashe. I feel awful. I was too weak so I gave in." She stood up and put her hands on the table. "They have my sword so I won't be much help, but I can still fight. Please." She met eyes with Sting and he nodded.
"Lets go." We all stood up and headed for that small building in the forest. They better not hurt her, I'll kill that bastard if he so much as touched a hair on her head. I'm coming Ashe. Hang in there.
Here's another chapter, sorry if it's not fantastic, it's kind of a filler.
And I wanted you guys to know that you mean so much to me. Every read, comment, and vote means the world to me. Even if we don't know eachother and don't talk, I'll still consider you guys my friends/family. <(^-^<)
Okay... I'm done. Hope you guys enjoyed!!

Alone No More (Rogue Cheney)
Fanfiction"I-I just hate being alone." I watched as she cried, dying at the sound of her whimpers. "Who said you were alone?" I asked. The tears slowed and she looked at me with those eyes I loved. "You have me." I hugged her tight as she cried onto my robe...