Chapter 1: The Change

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Keith's POV:

   I could feel it. I could feel my blood boil out of rage. I could all my emotions burn into it until that's all I felt. My entire body was on fire. It's felt like I was getting ripped apart from the inside.

     Why? You may ask. Well for one specific reason. And that reason is lying almost completely dead in front of me with blood all over him.

     His face is completely unrecognizable and he had multiple gunshot wounds. But he was still slightly conscious. "Keith...?" I kneeled down to him.

     "I'm here Lance...I'm here" I tell him softly, whispering at the last part as he finally passed out.

      I hear loud footsteps running towards our hideaway in the galran ship. Gun shots going off as soon as they do. I feel slight pricks in my back but it didn't hurt. I could feel my back healing by itself. But I didn't care. All I cared about was protecting Lance.

     I looked at the soldiers in the corner of my eye and see they have stopped firing. They were frozen in shock and fear.

     But that's when I felt it. The most excruciating pain I have ever felt but surprisingly I didn't scream. No instead I roared.

     I felt something slightly heavy attached to my tail bone and a new feeling on my head. But I didn't care.

     I stood up and pivoted around on my right foot my movement completely unnoticed by the guards because I was going so fast.

     In the meantime, I felt a sting on my hands and looked at my lavender purple hands that now had razor sharp claws on them.

     With that in mind I killed every single guard that entered the room in under a minute. I walked towards Lance and lifted his slightly smaller from from off the ground.

     Quickly running to the lions. I carried him to Blue who purred in worry. "Red Cub, is my cub ok?" I shake my head still in my galra form. Blue lowers her head and she opens her mouth allowing me to go in with Lance still in my arms.

     I set him in his chair. I look at him for a short while and smile. "I'm gonna miss you the most sharpshooter." I give him a soft kiss on the lips and walk out of Blue.

     Next thing I know Blue is outside of the ship and quickly going to the castle. I sigh and walk to red. "Lets go to the BOM, Red." She roars in agreement and lowers her head.

      I walk in and sit in my seat. I take reds controls and blast us out of the ship. 3..2..1 BOOM!! The entire ship blows up seconds after we get out.

With one last look at Blue's retreating shape and the castle in the distance I feel a single tear escape from my left eye.

     With my head hung low I whisper. "I'll see you soon. And maybe I'll tell you everything."

     Without lifting my head I push the handles and allowed red to start herself while I quietly sob.

Word count:525

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