Chapter 5: Promises and Memories

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Keith's POV:
-The next morning-
Right now Pidge and I are walking to the living area because shiro said he needed to speak with us on the intercom. We walked in complete and utter silence.

As soon as we make it to the room I could feel the tension in the room. I see Shiro siting on one of the couches with his head hung low. I look at Pidge, silently asking if she knew what was wrong.

She shook her head and shrugged. I look at Shiro with worry in my eyes.

"Sit." He said without looking up. His voice sounded...broken.

We did as he said and sat on the couch opposite of him. Finally his head went up and his eyes met with my masked ones.

"Take off your mask...Keith." He said with a little venom in his voice. My eyes widen.

"!" He shook his head and lowered his head.

"Just take the goddamn mask off." He said in a defeated tone of voice. I nod and click the button on my hood taking away my mask and pulling down my hood.

But then I did something that I know would break him into a million pieces. I hid my extra appendages and made myself look completely normal. Well except for the scar.

During this entire time he never looked at me. He just started at his feet. So I decided to stand up and walk to him. I lifted his head by his chin and made him look at me.

"It's me Shiro. I'm here." I said softly. His eyes fill to the brim with tears. His eyes filled with mixed emotions. Happiness, anger, sadness and abandonment. I sigh and pull him into a hug.

"I'm so sorry Shiro. I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you all like this. I thought you guys would just move on and forget about me." I said with a small crack in my voice. He sniffles and put one of his hands in the back of my hair.

"None of us could ever forget the most important part of the team. You brought us all together Keith. Your the true heart of voltron not me, not Allura, You." I hear him say with such proudness and sincerity in his voice it makes a single tear fall from my eye. I don't care anymore. I'll let it fall. I haven't cried in such a long time. It feels good to just let go.

"Hey Shiro can you promise me something?" I say while leaning back. I look him in the eyes. He nods.

"Yes Keith anything." He says. I take one of his hands and squeeze it.

"Can we keep my real identity a secret for now? I promise I'll tell them at some point. When I'm ready." He nods and smiles at me.

"Of course Keithy-boy. I'll keep my mouth shut." He says with a trustworthy smile.

After all that Shiro, Pidge and I just hung out for a few hours until I decided I needed to go train.

We said our goodbyes and headed in different directions. Pidge going to the front room and Shiro going to his room. I changed back into my Galra form and put my hood and mask on before hand.

I walked to the training room where I heard grunting and metal hitting metal. Quietly opening the door and shut it behind me. I silently laugh when I notice that the robot was kicking his butt. He was pinned to the ground by his neck.

"Training session over!" I yell and the robot shuts off.

Lance's POV:

I was in the middle of training but I guess I let my guard down and the robot pinned me to the ground.

"Training session over!" I hear a very familiar voice yell.

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