Chapter 9: Going Back

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Keith's POV:

Today is the day I've been looking forwards to and regretting. Today's the day, Krolia, Kolivan and I are gonna head back to the BOM. In my pajamas, I sit on my bed with my head in my hands just staring at the ground. Lance is laying in my bed under the covers and asleep. I look at him and move a piece of his caramel colored hair out of his face. Then I rub the side of his face with the back of my hand.

     I decided I would leave before Lance woke up to make it easier for him and me. I stand up and quietly go to my BOM suit that is hanging up on the wall. I quietly take off my black t-shirt and red and black plaid pajama and put the suit on leaving the hood and mask off. I turn to Lance and softly smile at his sleeping form. I look away and quietly walk out of the room.

     I walk down the hall to the docking bridge. When I get there I see Shiro and Allura talking to Kolivan while my mom is sitting with Red and Cosmo next to our ship. I close the door of the room and everyone's heads swing towards me. Looking at everyone's faces I stop at Shiros face and I see sadness, hope, pride, fear and anger. I walk up to him and pull him into a hug.

     "I won't be gone as long this time. I just have a few things to do for awhile. It'll probably only be about a year." I said to him still hugging him. His grip on me tightened and I felt wetness on my shoulder. 'He's crying?!'  I tighten my grip on him and allow him to finish crying before letting him go.

     "Where's Lance?" I hear pidge say making me sigh and turn to my bestfriend. I go toe her and put both of my hands on her shoulders.

     "He's in my room sleeping," I tell her making her sigh and nod not looking me in the eye. I step back and take one last look at the people I have called family for the few months that I have been back. I feel a tear roll down my face when I realize how hurt Lance is gonna be.

     With a sigh I turn to Kolivan and my mom. I nod to them. "Lets go home." I tell them making them nod and turn towards the ship. We get about halfway up the ramp to the ship before the sound of running and things breaking is heard from down the hall.

     Suddenly, the door slides open revealing an angry and crying Lance. His hair was a mess meaning he just woke up, he was still in his pajamas too. My eyes widen and start to fill up with tears.

     "Where do you think your going, Keith?! Without telling me?! Without saying goodbye to me?!" He yells at me while quickly walking towards me.

     "I have to go Lance! I don't have a choice! I didn't wake you because I didn't want it to be harder for me to leave!" saying this must have struck a cord in him because he stops. I watch as his fists clench and unclench. He's Livid. He looks me in the eyes and says something that hurt me more than any physical pain I have ever felt.

     "HARDER FOR YOU! HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT OF ANYONE OTHER THAN YOURSELF! WHAT ABOUT ME! I SPENT THREE GODDAMN YEARS MISSING YOU! WANTING YOU BACK! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD! MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED IN THAT SHIP SO WE WOULDNT HAVE TO DEAL WITH YOU!" He yells making everyone gasp. Along with him. His hand flies up to his mouth and he covers it. I feel myself start to cry now but then it just stops. I feel myself go back to the way I was before I came here. Emothionless.

     "Oh my god Keith im so sorry! I didn't mean to say that-" "No but you meant it" I interrupted him in a completely emotionless voice. I watch as his eyes widen and he starts to shake his head.

     "Baby please don't do this. I just got you back. I cant lose you again!' I hear hims ay while I turn toward the ship. "You already did." I tell him. I hear a body fall to the ground and sobbing come from Lance's direction making me slightly cringe but I stop and walk all the way into the ship. This is gonna be the hardest year ever.

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