Chapter 4: See you again

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Keith's POV:

     Have you ever felt like your heart was about to suddenly burst out of your chest because it's beating so hard. No? Well that's how I feel right now.

     Sitting in the back of one of the Blade ships on our way to the paladins I feel like I'm gonna pass out. This is the most nervous/scared I've ever been in a very long time.

     I haven't felt this feeling since...well since the day Lance almost died, almost 4 years ago. Wow has it really been that long since we all became paladins?

     It seems like just yesterday Shiro, Lance, Pidge, Hunk and I were in that cave with the blue markings on the side were we happen to fall through a floor because Lance couldn't keep his hands to himself.

     But what if we never found that cave? What if I never felt the energy from the blue lion? What if Voltron didn't exist? What if we all never met?

     I'm sure that Shiro would probably be married to Adam by now, Lance would probably have a girlfriend and would most likely be engaged to her, Hunk would own his own restaurant, Pidge would probably be a well known scientist and then me.. well I don't know what I would be. Nothing special. I know that. But I guess I'd most likely be in the army or something. Something to make use of my agility and fighting skills.

     But then none of us would meet. None of us would become friends. I would never have fallen so deeply in love with the sharpshooter and I wouldn't have gotten the bestest friend anyone could ask for. I would never have found my mother.

     With that thought I look to my left at my mother with a small smile on my face. She looks at me and smiles back. She puts her hand on mine that was on my leg gripping it.

     "It's gonna be ok ,my boy. There's nothing to be worried about." She whisper softly. I nod and subconsciously rub my Galra scar.

     "What will happen when they find out who I am? Where I've been. What I am. They'll hate me! Lance'll hate me!" She rubs my back.

     "They are gonna find out at some point, Keith. They won't hate you for it. Yes they will be mad but if they are your true friend they will forgive you. Especially that Lance kid." She said with a thoughtful smile on her face. She grabs my hand and starts to rub it with her thumb.

     "If he loves you as much as I've seen in his eyes then hell forgive you. Hurt yes but he'll understand." She comforts me with a hug. I nod and lean out of the hug. I turn and lean against the wall of the ship.

     "Krolia we're here." Kolivan says to us. My mom nods to him and looks to me with a pitiful look.

     "You ready, Yorak?" I nod and stand up. She follows. Same with Kolivan who presses a button and opens the ship hatch. What is see makes me catch my breath.

     Lance, Pidge and Hunk are standing next to eachother laughing at something one of them said, Shiro and Allura are facing us and smiling while Coran is standing with them smiling. Just watching Lance, Pidge and Hunk.

     They all suddenly face us when Kolivan clears his throat and starts to walk down the ramp. Allura steps forward and bows. Along with Coran and Shiro. We make it to the ground and she starts to speak.

     "Welcome Kolivan. We are very thankful that you are here." Allura says with a bright fake smile. I scoff.

    "Your fake smile is proving otherwise princess." I say and walk passed all of them.

     "I'm sorry about him princess. He just doesn't like it when people fake things." I hear Kolivan say smugly. Suddenly I'm grabbed by the arm roughly.

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