Chapter 8: Telling Him Everything

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Keith's POV:
                (After four days of planning)

     Right now I'm standing in front of Lance, Allura, Shiro, Pidge, Hunk and my mom in the lounge room. They are all sitting down on the couches. I'm about to do something I know is gonna make them all hate me. Well Lance, Hunk and Allura since the others already know. Taking a deep breath I get their attention.

     "Okay so I know it's been over a month since I've been here and I haven't been exactly honest with all of you." I say while sitting down next to my mother. I grip my tail and look at the ground.

     "I'm not who I said I am. I only said that I am who I was because..." I said while reaching my hand up to the button on my mask. I click it allowing them to see my Galra face. I bring my hood down. I hear Hunk and Lance gasp at my appearance making me slightly cringe.

     "Yorak isn't my real name." I tell them hesitantly. I look at my mother and she gives me a small smile. I turn to Shiro and Pidge and they nod to me. 'You can do it' I watch Pidge mouth making me nod and take another deep breath.

     I stand up with my head down yet again and start to degalra myself. Starting with making my tail go away then my ears. Then I make my lilac skin turn to peach skin along with my Amethyst colored hair turning into a raven color. The last thing that changes is my eyes. Turning from a bright yellow to a violet color. I look up and smile nervously at them.

     "Hey guys." I say nervously. I watched as Allura's, Lance's and Hunks eyes widen. Pidge and Shiro just smile. But then something that I've been scared of happened. Lance's surprised expression quickly transformed into a furious glare.

     "So your telling me that this entire fucking time you've been right here!! This entire fucking time I've been worrying about you and your right fucking here!! You lied to me!!! You said that you had no clue where Keith was but secretly you were Keith! I cried for three years! Every single night! Thinking that maybe I was wrong! Thinking maybe you did die in that explosion!" I watch as Lance furiously yelled at me while standing up. Before I could say anything he ran out of the room.

    I go to follow him but I feel a hand on my shoulder stopping me. "Let him go. He needs to cool down." Shiro says to me making me nod and sit back down. I look at Allura who were just staring at me with confused faces. Allura was the first one to start talking.

"So that's where you were for all these years. With the blade. With your mother." She says making me nod. She nods back and glances at my long hair. Her face changes into a smile.

"Can I do your hair?" She asks me making me chuckle and nod.
For about 2 hours Allura, Shiro, Pidge, Hunk and me just hung hung out. Allura just put my hair up in a high ponytail and put a head band on me. We all went back to our rooms after. I decided it was time I go and talked to Lance.

I walk to his room and knock on the door. I hear a faint. 'No ones here' from inside the room making me chuckle.

"Lance it's me. I need to talk to you." I say to him. I hear shuffling from inside his room and next thing I know I'm in his room being pinned to his bed by a crying, angry Lance. I felt tears dripping down my face while he was above me. My eyes were wide and I was frozen.

"What more could you talk to me about? You made it pretty clear three years ago that you didn't want to be here and a few days ago too. What else could you possibly explain?" He said with venom in his croaky voice. Finally unfreezing myself I brought my hand up and cupped his cheek and smiled.

"I came here to explain what happened three years ago." I told him making him sigh and nod. He rolled off of me and sat up. I sat up and leaned against the headboard.

For about an hour I explained to him why I left and where I was. I explained why I didn't show him my face making him break down crying and saying 'I'm sorry' over and over again.

I hugged him and ran my hands through his hair. I rocked back and forth shushing him. I kept whispering 'I'm here' until he finally calmed down.

"I missed you so much Keith." He mumbled to me. He was getting tired from crying so much. I smiled and kissed the top of his head.

"I missed you too, Lover boy. Although I'm surprised you and Allura aren't a thing yet. I thought you liked her." I joked with him making him slightly laugh and curl up in my lap.

"Yeah I did. But I love you. Not her." He said falling asleep making my eyes widen and heat to creep up my neck. He loves me? Do I love him? Of course I do.

I look at his sleeping form and smile. I combed through his short silky hair until I fell asleep.

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