Chapter 6: Training and Reminiscing

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Keith's POV:

I'm currently waiting for Lance to come down to the training room. I've been up and waiting since about 7:30am. I spent an hour and a half training then another just throwing knives. It sucks that I have to wear this mask in order to keep my identity a secret.

     Leaning on the wall I look at the altean clock on the wall. Its 11:00am and lance was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago. With that thought I hear a the door to the training room open. Lance walks in with his paladin armor on.

     "Finally. I've been here for over 3 hours. I spent one waiting for you. Your late." I said and walked over to the middle of the room.

     "Punching bag please!" I yelled and a punching bag dropped from the roof out of a hatch. I turned to Lance who was just sitting on a bench. He must have moved there when I was walking over here.

     "Come over here. I want to see what I'm working with. I know I saw a bit but I need to know what you already know." I said and turn towards him. He nodded.

"Sure. But to be completely honest I'm not one to fight with my hands. That was Shiro and..." He said his face dropping into sadness by the end. I smile and nod.

"You miss him don't you Lance. Just so you know, Lance.." I say walking to him. He's now standing. I put my hand on his shoulder. I missed this.

"He misses you too." I whispered. His eyes widen and he looks me in what he guesses is my eyes. He has to look up since I'm a bit taller than he is.

"You've talked to him?! Where is he?! How is he?!" He says desperately making my heart hurt. He really does miss me. I smile under my mask and shake my head.

"I'm sorry Lance but he made me promise to never tell you where he is. But just so you know, he's fine he's happy." I said with happiness in his voice. Lance's eyes drop to the ground.

I watched as a single tear escaped his eye before a whole flood of them came down. My eyes widen as I watched his form fall to the ground and shake violently as he sobbed.

"H..He's...h..ha..pp..y? But I'm not!!! I miss him so much Yorak! I love him! I never got to tell him that! The day me and him kissed I was gonna tell him I loved him. But he just pushed me away and broke my heart." He said screaming and crying. Finally he slightly calmed down and continued to talk while just staring at the ground.

"But that's when I saw it. When he looked at me I saw it. He was being serious. He didn't want to do that to me. No he wanted to let himself love me. He wanted to be with me but something was stopping him. And that something has to be the same thing keeping him from coming home." Lance said with so much sincerity that it made my eyes start to fill up with tears. I crouch down to his height and put my hand back on his shoulder.

     "What if he was here right now. What would you do?" I asked him. He looked at me and smiled.

     "I'd probably yell at him. Then cry harder than I am right now. He left. He left when I needed him the most." He said crying some more making my chest tighten. I rub his back and sigh.

     "You know he did it for a reason. I promise you Lance, he wants to come home but he can't. He just can't." I said and stood up. I was about to walk away when I was grabbed by the leg.

     "Yorak. If you talk to him again tell him I miss him and hope he comes home." I heard Lance say. I nodded and he let me go. I walked to the door of the training room.

     "Lance, you mean so much to him. More than you know." I said to him then walked out.

     Instead of going into the room I was staying at I went into my old room that happened to be next to Lance's. I walked to my door that had my name on it. I traced my hand over the letters 'K.E.I.T.H'  on it. I sighed and pushed the door open.

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