Chapter 7: Training and Her plan.

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Keith's POV:

     I feel a slight tickling on my face making me scrunch my nose and move my head. Then I feel wetness on my cheek. I open an eye to see Cosmo and Red standing above my laying form.

     "What are you guys doing?" I groan out and put my blanket over my head.

     "Well I told them to wake you up since it's morning and you have training in an hour also it's breakfast time." I hear a very familiar voice say. I throw my blanket off me to see Shiro standing in my doorway. I groan and roll out of bed landing on the ground. I sit up and get off the floor.

     "I need a shower." I tell Shiro while walking to my door and putting my hood up along with my mask. I walk to the bathroom that has multiple showers and stalls. When I walk into the bathroom I hear the sound of a shower running. I could hear a very familiar voice being drowned out my the water.

Grabbing one of the towels I walked over to the showers and start to remove my suit. I start with my mask by pressing the button. I remove my hood and shake out my long hair and fluffy ears. They are twitching and swiveling around due to Lance being so loud. I unzip my suit and peel it off all in one leaving me in only my boxers. I peel those off too. Now I'm completely naked.

"Hello? Who's in here?" I hear Lance say making me chuckle.

"You know with all that noise you were making I'm surprised you heard me." I said to him smugly.

"Yorak?" he stutters put. I chuckle and turn on the shower allowing it to soak my body. My tail starts to wag. I love the feeling of hot water on my fur like skin. It's so relaxing. The shower Lance was in shuts off and I hear Lance walk to the Shower right next to mine. He turns it on and sits in the floor.

"Why don't you want people seeing your face?" He asked me unexpectedly. I sigh and lean my head back. I get shampoo and mix it into my midnight black hair.

"If you saw what was under this mask you would understand." I said to him while washing out the shampoo.

"Can you tell me one thing? Was Keith on The Blade ship with you?" He asked making me freeze. I grab the conditioner and lather it in my hair.

"He was. He came 3 years ago." I said while washing my my body being extra careful of my scar. I rinsed everything out and shut the water off. I heard Lance do the same thing.

"Go first Lance. I don't want you seeing my face." I told sternly. He chuckled from the other shower.

"At least tell me something. The truth." He said to me. I sighed but complied.

"What?" I said defeated. I could hear him pull aside the curtain and walk out of the shower.

"Why does it seem like Krolia and Kolivan hesitate to call you your name? Like that's not even your name at all." I sighed and leaned against the wall. Someone was gonna see that soon enough but why did it have to be him.

"Yorak isn't my real name. It's the name I gave myself." I told him.

"Why did you rename yourself." I sighed and closed my eyes.

     "I had my reasons but I'm not comfortable with telling you." I blatantly lie to Lance. Its not that I'm uncomfortable telling him. It's that I'm scared to. He sighs.

     "Ok. I understand. If you want to talk to someone I'm right down the hall." I hear him walk out of the bathroom and down the hall using my improved hearing.

     I get out of the shower and grab a towel. I grab a towel and wrap it around my waist. I grab my suit and my dirty boxers then walk to the bathroom door. Walking out and towards my old room I remember something lance had told me 3 years ago when I came home from being captured by Zarkon.

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