Chapter 10: The End

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Keith's POV:

It's been about 2 months since I've come back. Me and Lance are finally dating. But currently I'm training and exercising. In a pair of exercise shorts and I'm shirtless. I also have no shoes on. I'm starting with the robot at a level 3000. Yeah that's right I went from 800-3000 in a course of a year and a half.

"You know you've been at this for about a week. When are you gonna give yourself a break?" I hear from a distance while I stab the robot in the chest making it die.

"Well, Lance I'm sorry that I want to keep my eight pack and my muscular shape unlike somebody." I said to him sarcastically and pulled my sword out of the robot. I hear a scoff and then fast footsteps coming towards me.

     "Wha-?" Before I could ask what he wanted I feel myself be pulled around and soft lips be placed on mine. I kissed back and drop my sword. I run my hands through his soft Chocolate brown locks and pull slightly making him moan.

     I feel him nip my lip asking for entrance but I deny and smirk. I open my once closed eyes and see that he's already looking at me. Then suddenly I watch as if it was in slow motion as Lance kicks his leg out and hits me in the back of my calves making me fall on my ass. Before I can get back up Lance climbs on top of me and deeply grinds into my hips making me groan and throw my head back and close my eyes.

      "Lance." I said making him go harder. I grip his thighs and slow my nails to slightly dig into them. Suddenly I feel a rush go through my entire body. An almost feral feeling. My eyes shoot open when I feel a pain on my head and tail bone. I look at Lance and see that he's staring at me in astonishment.

     I look behind him and see my tail swishing from side to side. I release my grip on Lance and feel the top of my head where I feel two furry and very sensitive ears. What catches my eye is that I'm now purple. But something is different. I feel more feral. I feel more...powerful. I look at Lance and I watch as his lips curve up into a smirk.

"Oh this is gonna be fun." He's seductively says to me then leans down and captures my lips with his while closing his eyes. Closing my eyes I feel his tongue slip in between my lips and rub over my now sharp canine asking for entrance. This time I allow him to enter but before he can even try to dominate me I let out a feral growl and flip us over so that now I'm on top of him in between his legs.

I quickly stick my tongue in his mouth and explore his mouth. He starts to pant into the kiss and he grinds his hips into mine. I smirk into the kiss and suddenly thrust my hips into his. He moans loads making me smirk. I allow my now purple clawed hand to travel from the back of his neck down his torso and to the rim of his skinny jeans. I separate our lips and look at his red and flushed face.

"Are you sure you want to do this Lance? I can stop now if you want." I growled. He gently smiled and nodded. He put his hand through my hair and pulled me down for a kiss.


Keith's POV still:

1 year later

I'm sitting on Lance and mines bed just staring at the floor. I grip my now shoulder length hair. I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"You've got this Keith. He'll say yes." Shiro said to me making me nod and stand up.

"Yeah! Why am I moping when I should be getting ready." I said and ran to my closet. I changed into a white dress shirt, a red and black tye, black skinny jeans, and a black jacket.

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