Chapter 3: It's Time

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-3 years later-

Over these three years I've become faster, stronger, smarter and more skilled than almost all of the Blade warriors. I've learned how to control my Galra side. I can go from human to to human with fluffy ears and a tail to full blood thirsty Galra on command.

But it all came at a cost. My emotions. I've become an emotionless bloodthirsty killer. I kill with no hesitations. I haven't cried since the day I last saw Lance.

     Even now I'm fighting a bunch of Galran soldiers with a mask on. Killing one after another in under 30 seconds. Somehow I didn't see a one of them but he was shot by some blue light.


     Blue Light.

     My eyes widen and I turn towards where the shot came from. And standing in all of his Cuban glory is the one and only Mr. Lance Charles McClain. My breath gets caught in my throat.

      "Hey man you good?" I nod and turn back around.

     "What no thank you for saving you?!!" I hear him say. My tail flicks frustration.

     "Wow you have a tail! That's cool!" I groan and start to walk away from him. I throw my knife behind me and I hear a body fall.

     "What the hell man?! You could've killed me!" I continue walking.

     "Would you rather that Galra soldier kill you or me? Anyways if I wanted to kill I would have when you first enter the ship." I said. My voice has gotten deeper and gruffer.

     I placed my hand on a Galran identify pad and open the door. But before I could step in I watched as a Red blur pass me. The sound of snarling alarms me.

     "레드 스탠드!" (Stand down Red)I yelled to Red. She looked at me and got off of Lance to walk towards me with her ears down. I walked over to Lance and stuck my hand out to him.

     He grabs my hand and lifts himself up. I let go of his hand and turn towards the pod that was in this room.

     "The blue lion is waiting for you outside. You may want leave." I say while getting into the pod and letting Red in too. I was about to close the door when  it was suddenly stopped.

     "How do you know I'm the paladin of the blue lion." I look at him and smirk under my mask.

     "I know a lot of things about you and the paladins Lance." I say then shut the pod and fly out. I look back at the shocked and scared expression on his face making something in me break.

Lance's POV:

     I stand there just in shock. How does he know me? How does he know I'm the blue paladin? What does he know about us? And who is he? His body structure seems familiar but he has a tail.

I shake myself out of the small trance I was in and I open a door that leads outside. I click my helmet making it change into a space helmet. I jump out and am caught in the mouth of blue.

     I sit in my seat and drive her all the way to the castle. When I get there I put her in her hanger and go to the living room where Pidge is typing away at her computer.

      "Hey Pidge I'm back." She looks up at me and smiles.

     "Hey, how'd it go?" I sigh and plop down on the couch beside her.

     "Other than the fact that I had to be saved by a Galra, the mission was a success." Pidge wide eyes flew to mine.

      "What do you mean a Galra saved you?" I close my eyes and lean my head back.

     "Well technically I saved him and then he saved me but anyway I saw him fight over fifty Galran soldiers in under 30 seconds. But one wasn't dead yet and tried to attack him from behind. I happened to walk down that hallway and see this. I shot the Galra Soldier. But then while me and the Galran guy were walking away another Galran soldiers came from behind me and he threw his knife behind him. I thought he was aiming for me until I heard the sound of a body drop behind me." I say opening my eyes at the end. Her eyes widen but I saw a slight smirk but it was gone before I could address it.

     "Did he have a symbol on his chest?" I nod. Now that I think of it, the symbol was familiar.

     "It was a BOM Symbol." She nods and shuts her computer. Oh right the most important part.

     "Oh, he knows my name, what paladin I am and he has information on all of us." She hums and scrunches her face.

     "Sounds like a Blade to me." I laugh and stand up.

     Well I'm gonna go to my room to...uh.." "I know. Go cuddle with Keith's jacket." She says with a knowing smirk. I blush and scratch the back of my neck while walking out of the room. I walk down the hall and into my room.

     I grab Keith's jacket and lay in my bed. Tears build up in my eyes. Oh Keith. I miss you so much. Please baby, I need to know your ok. I need to know your alive. Where have you been? What have you been doing? I need to know.

     I sob into his jacket. "WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME?! Why? Why, Keith,Why?" I tighten my grip on his jacket breathing in his cinnamon and vanilla scent. Oh I miss you😭

Keith's POV:

     I walk down the hall of the Blade ship with my mask and suit on. Kolivan said that he has important news that involves me and my mom. Whatever it is I'm about to find out.

     I walk in to find Kolivan and my mom on a call with the paladins. My mom turns to me and smiles.

     "Hello Yorak! Come here please!" I nod and walk to them. I look up at the screen. Into silver eyes.

     "Hello Shiro, Lance, Princess, Pidge and Hunk." All their eyes widen. Suddenly Lance steps forward and my breathe once again gets caught in my throat.

     "Hey, your the Galra I saved then you saved me." I nod.

     "I am indeed." I cross my arms.

      "Alright now what was I needed here for? I was in the middle of level 876 in the training room. This better be important." I say bored. My mom puts her hand on my shoulder.

     "We are going to the ship to help with training since you are the most skilled fighter in this entire ship." My eyes widen under my mask. I sigh.

     "Ok fine but don't expect me to 1) take off my mask 2) go easy on you or 3) make friends." I say sticking the number of fingers each time I say the number.

     "Why don't you want to remove your mask? Are you ugly or do you have like a disease or something?" I growl and clench my fist.

     But before I could say anything I feel two comfortingly warm bodies that happen to be Red and Cosmo. They growl at Lance making him backup.

     "Woah, Dude I didn't know you had a wolf along with a lion?" I shrug. But something catches my eye. Allura. She's looking at red with confused eyes.

     "If you wanna day something princess go ahead." Her head shoots towards me.

     "Oh um well your lion really looks familiar." Smirking under my mask.

     "She's one of a kind." Then I turn around and walk towards the exit.

     "See ya tomorrow." I walk away laughing because I hear all of them wondering how I knew.

         It helps that I've been in touch with Pidge.

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