Chapter 2: The Lost and Found

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Lance's POV:

The muffled sound of someone whispering is what I slightly wake up to. "...most Sharpshooter." Then I feel a pair of very soft lips placed on mine then I felt a roar go through me. Then I felt myself slip into unconsciousness.

I hear the sound of hissing and suddenly I'm falling. A pair of familiar arms cradle my lean figure. I slowly open my eyes and see Hunk looking down at me smiling. "Hey man. How you feeling?"

     I groan. "I feel like I just got hit by a bus." I look around and notice that everyone was there. Except for one person. The one person I really want to see.

     "Where's Keith?" I ask and everyone's heads lowers and I watch in horror as Shiro starts to cry.

     "He didn't make it out of the ship." I heard him say. I felt my heart shadder. I felt all the walls I had come crumbling down. I started to sob.

      "No! Nonononono!..." I cried in Hunks arms. He can't be gone. No. He can't be. I reached my hand to my lips where I felt the other pair touch when I was barely conscious.

     He kissed me. Like I had before. His lips are something I could never forget. I will find you Keith and then I will make you mine. Only mine. I'm gonna take you home.

     After an hour of crying I felt myself fall asleep. Too tired to try and fight it I let darkness take over.

I'm gonna find you Keith. I promise.


Keith's POV:

Finally arriving at the blade I notice there are a bunch of blade members waiting on the boarding platform. The one person I notice is Krolia, my mom.

I smile and land Red. She opens her mouth allowing me to exit her. As soon as I exit her mouth I'm tackled. I laugh. "Hi mom." I hear her start to sob.

"My baby, my boy. I'm so sorry!" I rub her head knowing what she's talking about. My tail subconsciously wraps it's way around her waist in comfort. I feel her smile.

"It's ok mom. I'm here." I whisper to her. She nods and slowly stands up helping me up in the process.

I was about to explain why I was here but I was interrupted by the sound of Red roaring. My eyes widen and I look at her but it wasn't the normal mechanical red lion.

No, what was standing in front us was a 7ft y'all red and white lion with glowing yellow eyes. I took a step forward.

"Red?" She nodded and also took a step forward. I smiled and shook my head.

"You could do that this entire time?" She nodded and walked up to me. She rubbed her head against my arm and I pat her head.

"That's so remarkable. I've never heard of one of the lions being so close to their paladins that it would change into its soul form, until now." I hear my mom say behind me.

"The other paladins didn't understand me. They didn't share the same temperament as me. That's why I never got extremely close to them." She said softly. I smiled at her then turned around suddenly getting serious.

"Ok now back to business..."


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