5 years later

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Kara's POV

It's been 5 years since I dropped out of school and moved to NY. But, I decided to go somewhere else to start over. At least I thought. My daughter's name is Amber, Amber Hudson Danvers. I decided to have her real last name moved to her middle so people didn't ask questions. My fresh start was going great until I got this text from my cousin.

Hey, Kara! So, the Glee Club reunion is being hosted in National City. Ms. Grant decided to have it at CatCo, since Ryder.
So watch out.

Thanks cos!

Shit! Blaine was the only one I kept in contact with. Since, we were so close and he was my cousin. Shit. I say again. I need to warn Barry. (He was in National City for Flash biz)

Hey. Barry we need to meet. Tomorrow!


Damn it. Blaine didn't tell me when they were coming.

Next Day

"Barry! Thanks so much for meeting me!"

"Sure. What's up?" He asked

"Um the Glee Club is coming in town." I say. "I really enjoy working with you but, I think you should leave." I feel a little sad when, I say that. We don't hang out normally and it's probably due to the fact that we are both always working. I'm gonna miss him.

"Sure. I'll tell everyone to pack up." He smiles but, I can tell he's sad too. "Till, next time Kara Danvers!"

I smile. "Bye, Allen." I roll my eyes at him. He walks out when I suddenly hear yelling. (They were meeting at CatCo) I run in to see them. Yelling at Barry. Then, I see Barry get slapped by Santana. I walk in.

"Wow. Even after schools over we still can't get away from you!" She's yelling. I roll my eyes.

"What the hell? What did I do to upset you?" Barry asks. He is just trying to hide. I'm so torn. I need to help him but, they are gonna recognize me. I shift my glasses and walk over.

"Can I help you?" I ask angered. "What happened here?" Then, I see Barry is bleeding. "Oh my god. Barry your bleeding! Stay here!" I tell them. I walk him over to the bathroom and give him a paper towel. Then, I kiss his temple. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah. Just shocked really."

3rd POV

"What the hell, Santana?" Asked Rachel.
"Umm he's Sebastian. And he dissevered that slap!" She says, looking at Blaine. Blaine and Sebastian made up a few years ago after Kara explained Barry's past.

"I have to agree, I don't care anymore! Plus, I don't think that was Sebastian!" He semi-lied.

Then, Kara and Barry returned.

Kara's POV

"Sorry, about slapping you. You just reminded us of someone we used to know." Santana said. I was shocked but, kept a straight face.

"I accept you apology." He said, pained. He still had a bloody nose. Then, he left. I knew he went to my apartment so he and the "gang" could say goodbye after work.

"Anyway, How may I help you?" I ask.

"We are looking for Cat Grant." A voice says. It's Ryder.

"Ok well, she is in a meeting but I can show you guys to your meeting room. I'm Kara." I say with a tiny smile. Marley stopped smiling so I thought it was fine. I showed them to the room. "Is there anything you need? Ms. Grant will be in here in half an hour."

"Just one thing," Mr. Schuester said. "we need help finding someone. They said that they would be here but, aren't. The name is Marley Rose. I'm Will Schuester. Call me Will." He says.

Shit! "Wait. Kara was it? Can you show me to the bathroom?" Blaine asks.

"Sure, Mr?" I ask knowing who he is.

"Blaine, just Blaine." He says.

"Ok, follow me." I smile. I show him to the bathroom. But, instead ask him some questions. Angered. "You told them that I was coming?"

"No! I don't know who did." He says defensively. Wait. I hear them talking.

"She looks so much like Marley. I really miss her." Finn says. "Same. Well, this should be a test to see what happened to her." Mr. Schue says. "What's taking Blaine so long?" Kurt asked.

"We should head back!" I say to Blaine. He nods. We get back.

"I got lost on my way back." He says embarrassed.

"And I saw him and helped him back. Also, on Marley Rose. I found a lot. What did you need?" I ask. This I really was wondering.

"Anything after, 2013!" Finn says They really do miss me!

"Ok, so she had a child and gave them up for adaptation then, was coming back from National city and was died in a plane crash. In 2014. I'm so sorry."

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