Goodbyes and explainations

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Kara's POV

This day has finally come. The New Directions are leaving. Well, most of them. Also, Barry is coming back since it's safe. Once again sort of.

"Well, goodbye. It was a pleasure having you guys here." I say with a grin on my face.

"Bye, Kara and thanks for helping us find out about Marley." Mr. Schue says.

"Can I just say something? You remind us a lot of her." Santana says as they are walking out. I pull Blaine over.

"I'm gonna miss you!" I say.

"Yeah, same." He says hugging me tightly. "Well, I have to go. But, see ya!" I smile at him. They leave. All but, Finn. Ugh, why did he have to stay?

I am home and get a knock at the door. "Hi, Kara!" Barry says once I open the door.

"Yay! It's you!" I say. He looks confused.

"Never mind, I ordered food. How's your Earth?" I ask him.

"It's great. Well, I mean the usual." He says. Then, there's a knock at the door. I open it up. Thinking that it's the food delivery.

"Kara hey. Wait, what the hell is he doing here?" The man asks. Barry's shocked.

"I want to know the same thing for you! I told you to not come back!" I yell.

"I came. To talk to you. Now, his turn." The man yells. He is not happy to see Barry.

"Am I not allowed to see my friend? Because you are even more annoying then I remember, Finn!" Barry says walking to him.

"Stop!" I start. As Finn try's to swing at Barry. "Ok. Barry's my friend! And Finn, you need to leave."

"Mommy?" I hear. Shit. More questions.

"Go to bed sweetie." I say as I signal Barry to help her. I need to talk to Finn.

"So, Amber? Nice name. Mind telling me about her?!?!" He says.

"Yeah, I do mind. Finn, sorry to break it to you but, you, us. That's not in my life! Ok? So move on!" I snap at him. "I have company over so can you come over tomorrow. I'll explain."

"Yeah. Goodbye, Kara." He smiles. I really don't want to though. He needs to know though. He leaves.

"Well, that was.... really Barry I thought you were gonna not 'be Sebastian' near them?" I say. He comes out.

"I'm sorry, Kara." He says sarcastically. I roll my eyes. "I should probably get back. But, I have a gift!" He hands me a phone.

"I'm confused. That's my phone." I state

"Yes but, I put in a chip that makes your phone able to text and call me!" He smiles.

"Barry!" I hug him. "You shouldn't have."

"Well, got to get going. Love ya sis!" He says. I smile and wave goodbye. He leaves. Now, Finn.

The next day

I just sent Amber to Kindergarten. I'm walking back in the hallway to my apartment when I see a figure. Standing there. "Come on." I say to him. I let him in and he looks around.

"So, your guest left I see." He says. I sign.

"Ok, listen. I'll tell you what you need as long as you leave. Deal?" I say.

"No! I'm not leaving. I-I-i listen. I need to at least be in her life!" He states.

"She's my daughter. Your not in her life! Ok? And you never will be!!!" I tell him.

"So then, who's the dad? Oh, wait I am!" He states. I roll my eyes. "So, I am in her life! What's her name? Huh? Amber Hudson!"

"That's not her name. It's Amber Danvers." I say. He is shocked. "Amber Hudson Danvers." I sign.

"Are you serious? What did you think that I would never be in her life? What are you so afraid of?"

"Honestly Yeah! I thought you would never show up. I mean you didn't make an effort after I moved! What makes you think I'm afraid? Is that all I am to to you?" I walk closer to him to slap him. He pulls me in and kisses me. I kiss him back.

I pull away before more happens. I don't know how to feel. Suddenly he pulls me back in.

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