New Directions

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After the party. I lost contact with most people. I only talked to Santana and Blaine. But, of course I got an email. Another reunion. Apparently they did one every year.

Santana: Oh, come on. You have to come.

I don't know. I mean I want to. I want to see everyone. Well, not everyone.

Please? It won't be that bad.

Yes. It will.

Ok. I'll ask you one last time. Or else I'm dragging you out. For me?

Fine. You won't give up anyway. Right?

Right. I'll see you tomorrow.

Yep, see you. Bye, Santana.

(The next day)

"Ready to go?" Santana says.

"Well, no. But, since I'm being forced. Yes, I'm ready." I smile. When we get there, it's like a ton of old memories flooding back; happy and sad.

"Kara! It's so great of you to join us." Mr. Shue.

"Thanks. It's great to be back." I say. Catching up with everyone felt like high school. Well, the better part.

"Kara?" I hear a voice say.

"Yes." I turn around. "Oh, Jake hi."

"Long time no see. Still beautiful." He says.

"Uh, thanks... anyway how are you?"

"Fine. Listen, I - Would you- Do you, Kara, want to go out?"

"Oh, uh."

"How about this? Just to catch up. Then, you decide."

"Sure." I say as Jake goes to talk to someone else.

"So, a date. With Puckerman Jr." I hear a voice say. I turn around.

"Not a date, yet. And why do you care? You gave that up. Well, a lot of things." I respond.

"Your so very right. I'm a quitter." He says.

"Maybe that's why you weren't invited 'round.' See I don't even need to explain. You did that yourself."

"It's been what? 6 months. Your insults are much better. What, hang around Santana?"

"Actually yes." I walk away.

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