Truth time

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Kara's POV

"Amber. Can I have a moment with Daddy?" I ask her. She nods. I walk us into a empty hallway. And slap him. "What the hell do you think your doing here?"

"I ask him. Is that the second time I've been slapped by you?" He responded.

"Cut the crap! I told you not to come around anymore. How did you even know?"

"I got an email."

"Fine! You can be here but, then you are gonna have to disappear. That won't be to hard with it?" I ask sarcastically.

"Deal." He said surrendering. We walk back in.

"Amber Hudson?" The doctor asks. "Ready to take your cast off?"

"Yeah!" Amber replies.

"Ok, so watch her for a week. Then, She can go to school. If she has any pain or you have any questions just call the office."

We get home. "Hope your feeling better. Well, goodbye." Finn say and starts to leave. Amber runs up to him.

"Wait! When do I get to see you again?" She asks him.

"I'm not sure your mother and I have to work something out." And walks off.

"Is Daddy leaving?" She asks.

"I think-" I'm cut off.

"Is this my fault? Does he love me?" She ask crying. Then, runs after him.

"Amber! Wait, where are you?" I run and shout. Then, I see them. Amber hugging Finn and crying.

"Amber you can't run away like that. Come on sweetie."

"No! Mommy I don't want him to leave." She says pointing at Finn.

"I know. I don't either but, he doesn't want to see me." I sigh.

"How about you two stay with me tonight? I live just a block away.

"I don't know." I say.

"Please Mommy?" She pleads. I look at Finn. He mouths 'it's ok.'

"Sure." I say making her smile. We walk to his apartment. It's a studio.

"You can sleep in this bed." He says pointing to a twin bed and Amber.

"I can sleep on the couch." I state.

"It's fine. You can sleep with me." He says, flatly. Amber hops in and quickly doses off. "I uh go that bed for Amber, you know in case. Well, you know."

"Yeah, heh thanks."

"Listen I think that it's best if we pull through for her."

"What do you mean?"

"I think we should fake it, again."

"We never faked anything!"

"Yeah, that's besides the point. I mean look at her she's being torn apart from us figuring things out."

"Ok, so like a month ago you left my apartment because I had the wrong reason but, now you want to full fake a relationship? Wow. You Ohioans."

"What? Your from Ohio too."

"Yeah," i hesitate. "I am uh. But, you know what five years can do to ya! Heh."

"Ok, well. Night?" He says.

"Yeah night." I say trying to get comfortable. I fall asleep for a minute then wake back up. Ugh, what the hell. I think as I get in bed with Finn.

"Morning." He says waking me up. I look to see his arm is around me.

"Personal space?" I ask him sarcastically.

"You didn't resist. Also, if we are gonna fake then...?" He says trailing the 'then.'

"I haven't agreed yet. But, I have my terms."


"Ok, so this." I says gesturing to us. "Has to be real. Ok, no faking and all for the right reasons. Not, for just Amber. For you, me and her."

"What's with the sudden change of heart?"

"Because somewhere in my heart you are. And I hated myself for lying to you and I want to change. No more lying or secrets."

"Ok, but let's do this the right way. So, will you go on a date with me?"

"Yes." I smile at him. "But, I need to tell you something." I hesitate. "I ..."

"Yes?" He asks.

"Can you promise me something? When, I tell you. Just forget it. I'm telling you because I trust you. I'm the same person. I was now or before I tell you."

"Ok. I'm listening."

"I'm an Alien." I say quickly. He reacts but, goes back to his old face. "Is that your reaction?"

"I mean to yeah you wanted me to look at you the same way so. I am." He says. I smile.

"Can you just hold me?" I ask shyly.

"Yes. I would love to." He says. Putting his chin on my neck.

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