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Kara's POV

Thank god for Barry. He picked up Amber last night whilst I was asleep. But, now I have a terrible hangover and memory. Not to mention a party for a child.

Well, the time has come. Party time to be exact. Knock, knock. "Hi! Welcome." I start. "Listen you guys don't have to stay. I was drunk and"

"Mommy! Are these the people from your work?" Amber said. Everyone was shocked that she remembered.

"Yes. This is Blaine, Kurt, Rachel, Kitty, and Finn." I say pointing. "And this is Barry."

"Yeah, we ha-have uh met before." Kurt says. I'm confused. "At the bar. Heh." They nod. Well, ok.

"Anyway, welcome." I say. "Can I get you anything?"

A chorus of ways to say no comes out of they're mouth. "Also, why are you guys here in National City? What about New York?"

"Uh. Well, Finn here is not working here." Rachel says.

"Wait! We never said about being from New York." Kitty says.

"You didn't? I could've sworn." I defend. Why? Why did I say that?

"Are you stalking us? Because if so. I swear!" Kurt says. Blaine looks at me speechless.

"Uh, no! I just. It was in your files." I lie.

Before Kurt could speak, Barry walks up.

"What about your friend huh?" He says. They look confused. I give him a please-let's-not-go-there look. "Yeah, last month your friend came here." He says pointing.

"What do you mean? Finn?" Kitty says.

"I have the same question for you!" Finn says.

"Can't I be here to help my friend? She's got enough going on with out you at her door. I mean" I pull him away first.

"One second please." I say. We walk. "What the hell was that? Do you want our covers to be blown?"

"No. But, what were you gonna explain to them that 'New York' crap?"

"Your right. I'm sorry just - pick and choose your battles." We walk out.

"Listen we can leave you and your boyfriend alone." Rachel says.

"No, he's not my boyfriend. He just." I look at him.

"Wait! What covers? Huh? Are
You here to kill us." Kurt says.

"What? No! If we were gonna kill you we would have." Barry says.

Suddenly, Amber cry's. Great. "I'm coming!" I walk over to her.

3rd POV

"Listen! Just leave us alone. Ok? Or else." Barry says.

"Or else what? You gonna call the cops blackmail us?" Kurt says. "I knew it, it was you-you lying meerkat!"

"I have no idea what your saying. But, please can't we pretend she didn't say that. Ok?" Barry's says.

"Fine." Kurt says. While, the others name.

Kara's POV

The party ended and everyone left. Except for, Barry. "Thanks for what you did."

"What? I don't know what your talking about."

"Really? Super hearing."

"Oh, yeah. Your welcome." He smiles. "Well, I have to go. Bye, Kara."

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