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3rd POV

"Rachel are you sure we should be doing this?" Blaine asked.

"Yes. I want to make sure that Kara/Marley was telling the truth." Rachel says.

"Yeah, she seemed like she was making up that adoption thing." Kitty added.

"I just don't think that we should. Ok? Can't we just trust her?" Blaine asked, timidly.

"How can we trust her? She lied to us." Kurt said angered.

"Yeah but-" Blaine said.

"Oh, I bet you 'trust' her. Your her cousin. She wouldn't lie to you." Kitty said, spiteful.

"Ok! Guys just shut up. That's not fair." Kurt defended.

"You want the truth? Huh?" They nodded, all but Blaine. "Amber is my daughter. He name is Amber Hudson Danvers. She moved the name to her middle. Something about not asking questions." Finn yelled.

"Ha! I knew she lied! See, Blaine we can't trust her! We need to get her back or some sort of wake up call." Rachel said.

"Why? What did she do to you? So, what she wanted to get away from her past. I mean she had a really rocky high school life. So give her a break! I need to go for a walk." Blaine yelled.


Kara's POV

"Blaine? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I have some bad news." I give him a confused look. "They know everything. They know that you lied about Amber."

"How?" I asked.

"At first they were searching for her and everything was yelling. Then, Finn told us the truth."

"Everything? Or just about her? OMG this is terrible."

"Just about Amber. But, what else should I know?"

"Nothing. Is that all?"

"They told the rest of the glee club. I'm so sorry but I have to get going."

"Yeah, yeah. Bye."

Kara Hey.

Barry Hey What's up?

Kara A lot of things. Do you mind if I stayed on your Earth for a little? I need a break.

Barry No I don't mind. What happened?

Kara it's a long story. I'll tell you later.

Barry ok. When are you coming over?

Kara in a hour? If that's ok?

Barry Yeah. See ya soon.


"Goodbye, home."

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