Business Miskate

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*Next day, gets to air port and on plane, gets off seeing that she booked the the flight two days early*

"Ah, dammit!" I said looking at my plane ticket. Wait! If I booked the flight early than, I booked the hotel early, too. I get to the hotel, drop off my luggage. And decide that I'm gonna go to a bar.

*6 drinks - one hour later*

I look at my phone to see that I have a call from Finn. I pick up.

Hey! Pretty lady! Wanna meet up??? I'm free. He slurs.

Sureeeeee! Meet me at The Bar! I respond. Then, hang up and see him walk over to me.

"I can't believe your here! Wanna have a shot contest?!" He says.

"Fuck yeah! Your going down!" I slur. 1 down each, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, at 8 We both stop.

"I should get going! Wanna join me?????????" I ask him.

"I don't have anywhere to be!" He shouts.

Next morning
Finn's POV

What happened? I think to myself. I get up to see that I'm naked and that there's a naked girl in the bed. Clothes. Got to find clothes. I see they're all around the room. Put them on and leave right away.

Kara's POV

-bzz bzz- I wake up with a killer headache. Look at my phone.

No, new messages. And 10:30?

-bzz bzz-

"Where is that coming from?" I think, out loud.

-bzz bzz-

I start to get up. And me back hurts. Like there is a rash or something. I go to the mirror to see a word.

"Shit!" I say to myself.

-bzz bzz bzz bzz-

I throw on a robe. Then, start to look for the phone.

Finn's POV

I was walking down the street when I noticed I didn't have my phone. I groan. And turn back to the hotel. My arm had some pain. That was hard to describe. I lifted up to see a name. Kara.

How drunk was I? I arrive at the hotel and instantly remember what number. 369. How ironic. I knock on the door.

Kara opens the doer in a robe. "Wow." Slips out of my mouth as she looks beautiful.

Kara's POV

I finally find the phone. And don't recognize it. Then, a knock at the door. I unawaringly open it with out changing. To see a tall man. Finn. He scans me. A quiet, "Wow." slips out.

"Finn... Hey." I say awkwardly.

"Um, I think I-i- uh left my..." I cut him off.


"Heh yeah. I should get going." He says then turns to leave.

"Wait, I think we need to talk about this." I ask.

"Honestly? No. I think we should just forget." He said then walked away.

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