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Growing up, skyler never felt loved. She is the oldest of five, she was treated more like a parent herself. Everything that goes wrong ever, it was her fault, and she got hit for it. Her dad used to beat her on daily basis; sometimes to show who is the boss and sometimes because he didn't like her personality. Sky was special; she had her own opinions and beliefs. She understood alot for her age, and fought hard for her rights. She knew he has no right to touch her, she knew that he is abusing her, physically and emotionally. Her mom was always busy, her priorities were housework. She cleaned, cooked, washed the dishes, but never cared about anything else. All she wanted was to play the good wife.

Sky's family was broke, her dad was too lazy to get a decent job. So, at the age of 10 he just decided to send her and her sister to a boarding school. With 5 kids he felt like he has alot on his hands, and wanted to empty his house. Sky was actually happy about his decision, for she always wanted to leave, she hated him so much, and craved for her freedom. The problem was that her sister was only 4 at the time, she had to protect her, she had to be her guardian angel. Their mom cried, but she was too weak to defy her husband. For her, he is the head of the family and he knows best. Sky felt betrayed by her mom, she actually loved her, but she felt that she should have fought to keep them home.

Years past by, the school was her home. She only went to her house on the holidays. By then she has delt with all kind of suffering. She was bullied at school, shunned for being poor, and had to protect her little sister from all that. She fought hard, and the more she fought the more her dad was eager to hit her, the more she fought the more people tried to break her. She wasn't living anymore, she was on the verge of breaking. She actually tried to kill herself so many times; she cut her hands just not deep enough, she tried to drown herself, but chickened up. Everytime she failed, she bursted into tears and called herself all kind if names:
" you are a coward sky, that what's you are! No one needs you, no one loves you, and no one will ever do!''

At the age of 18, she finally left. She finished highschool, and she moved from the house. Her dad said that he wont pay a penny for her University. Not a surprise though, she always knew that all she has is herself and herself only. So, she worked hard; she studied during the days and worked at night. She was not going to give up her life. She knew the only way to forget her past was to move on and have the highest education possible. Now her future did not include a man. Why would she wants a man in her life? She doesn't want one vossing her around. She wants her freedom. She is a powerful woman that will rely on herself and she will never need anyone by her side. Life has tought sky how to be alone, but, life left her with a cold soul, and a locked heart. Every man she meets, she saw her farher in him. Until, one day they hired a new manager at her work, she was a waitress at night, and that new manager made her feel things she never felt before.

I hope you enjoyed the part one of the story. What will happen next? Will sky fall for that guy? Will she be able to trust him? Plz comment and let me know if I should continue writing. PS: this story is based on a true story. Oh and don't worry the story will get hot and steamy later on.

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