Chapter 2 - In Our Time Of Need

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I walked out of our house and closed the door behind me. I made my way down the stairs and down the Stone pathway and through the invisible barrier around our house.

Made my way through the woods. I made my way into Mystic Falls. I walked down the sidewalk and could feel some magic was nearby that felt like Traveler Magic. I made my way inside the building that would be a bar and saw a group of Travelers.

I raised my hand to two traveler's and twist my hand as their neck's snapped. I turned to the other traveler members and as they tried to run away. I moved my hand using my telekinesis on the door which slammed it shut on them. I watched as they hurried to another door but forced it to shut too. I sped towards a traveler and swiped her head off of her shoulders.

I sped towards another traveler and reached my hand through her chest. I got my grip onto her heart and ripped it out then dropping it onto floor. I looked to a traveler while using telekinesis, and twist my hand and her neck snapped.

I moved across the room and to another traveler and shoved my hand through her chest, and gripped onto her heart and ripped it out and dropped it on the floor. I watched as her lifeless body dropped to the floor. I sped towards a traveler and sank my fangs into her neck as she started to scream. I drank her dry of all of her blood then I let her go and her body hit the floor.

"Looks like somebody's having a really bad day."
I say out loud then looking around the room at all the now dead travelers.

I made my way out of the bar and head down the sidewalk

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I made my way out of the bar and head down the sidewalk. I made my way towards the Gilbert House. I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door to Gilbert House. I watched as door opened and saw unfamiliar face. "Who are you?" I compelled her to tell me. "I would Jenna and close friend to the Gilbert Family." Jenna told me. "Where can I find, Elena?" I compel her to tell me. "You can find her in the living room." Jenna told with blank look then pointed to the living room.

I put my hand on her cheek as I tell her "I'm a close friend of Jeremy and Elena." I take my hand off of her cheek and let her go from my compulsion. I make my way to the living room then walk into living room and watch as Elena and Bonnie look at me. "Why would you be so bloody, Kai?" Bonnie asked with a concerned expression. "Well I went to a bar and found some travelers. I'm gonna hope since your a witch, Bonnie, that you actually know what a Traveler is hopefully. I killed them all which explains all of this mess." I respond calmly to everyone.

"Well since your here then you can help us out. We need some more magic and was hoping that you can give us some magic to help us out." Bonnie asked. "Well since, Anya is buddy-buddy with Bon-Bon and Elena. I'll give her the magic that you require when you meet her tomorrow when you meet her. You all plan on going to the Mystic Falls Grill. You'll receive it from, Anya." I respond with a smile. I turn around and head out of the Gilbert House.

I sped towards the woods. I walk through the invisible barrier around our house. I walk up the Stone pathway and enter inside our house.

I entered inside our house and closed the door behind me. I walked kitchen then living room. I took right down the hallway and headed up stairs. I saw that Anya was on the couch and asleep. I went into my room and wiped all the blood of my face and neck and cleaned up. I went back downstairs and picked Anya up and carried her up stairs. I lay her down in her bed and put the blankets over her.

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