Chapter 8 - Reunited With Cullen Coven

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I walked beside Anya as we were walking through the woods together. We started to walk down a pathway and head towards Cullen House.

"Try not to go all killer on the people. The Cullen Family still have a treaty with Uley Pack." Anya said staring at me.

"That treaty is stupid and Shapeshifters aren't even that strong or dangerous. I could use Ossux on them and crush all their bones. It's such a beautiful sound to hear a shifter cry out in pain and agony." I said thinking to myself about hurting a shifter.

"Just try to control yourself, Kai de Lioncourt. If you want to kill then do it out of Forks and La Push territory. I want to keep the peace unlike yourself." Anya told me with her familiar hard glare.

"I can control myself just to let you know." I said giving smirk towards her.

"Coming from the former ripper." Anya said giving a playful smirk.

"You always gotta pull out the old ripper comments." I said to her.

We walked up a pathway that went along a body of water. I saw the border that separated Cullen and Quileute Territory. We turned, and sped towards Cullen House. We stopped to walk up their stairs and knock onto their door. I knocked then waited for an answer. I door opened as we were greeted by a smiling, Esme Cullen.

"Kai? Anya?" Esme asked while she pulled us into a tight hug. "We decided on coming to visit. But we need a place to stay for sometime or a very long time." Anya said pleasantly to Esme.

"Your always welcome here since your always family to us." Esme said as we walked past her.

Anya and I, went inside and followed close behind Esme as she took us through house. We walked to backyard and down pathway to little small house.

"Is that we all built this for you guys to stay in just in case. It was of course completely decorated by Alice and she furnished it for you guys too." Esme told us.

We walked behind Esme as we entered inside. I saw as Anya looked all around and she loved it. I turned as Esme headed outside and we followed behind her.

"I'll let you guys settle in and get familiar with your new place to stay in. I'll make you some food to eat since I haven't cooked for you guys in so long." Esme told us as she started to walk away.

I turned to Anya as she went inside her room and I headed up stairs and found room that I would be staying in. I saw that Alice obviously knew what she was doing like usual.

I looked at a table that had my old Volturi pendant that's also filled with magic. I grabbed the necklace and put it on. I headed down stairs as we headed inside the Cullen house. I saw as Alice made her way down the stairs and hugged us both really tight.

"I'm so glad to see guys are back. I hope that your staying for awhile." Alice said with wide smile.

"We will be staying for long time. Is that you have nothing to worry about." I say to her while smirking.

"He will try to control himself and not kill anybody. We should hurry inside before he gets bored and goes full ripper." Anya said being playful towards me. Anya and I held hands while walking behind Alice as we walked inside.

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