Chapter 4 - Lost Souls

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I walked down pathway, following the blood trail as the coven member is trying crawl away. I snapped a piece of fence then walking towards him. I stood beside him and threw it, which it went straight through his chest, and pinning him to ground.
"The crowd goes wild!" I yell out in amusement at my work.

"Who the hell are you?" Coven leader had asked in anger. "Well I would, believe that I'm the very person that is killing your entire coven." I answer his question with blank expression. "Why are you doing this to my coven?" Coven leader had asked back in anger.

"Well I want your power. I could of taken it peaceful but you resisted. Sadly, for you and your coven, I had to go with my second option in just taking your power in a forceful matter, and then killing you all." I answer with a emotionless expression.

"Ossox." I twist my hand as his neck makes cracking sound then I pulled out the piece of fence from his body. I look at the bloody piece of fence and throw it onto the ground. I walk into their house slowly and hearing someone screaming out in pain. "Anya please, just kill him already." I call out to Anya. I heard his neck snap and he's finally dead.

I look into living room and few bodies lay dead from having being drained and having their neck's snapped, to prevent them all from becoming vampires. I head outside, as a coven member is slowly crawling along the ground.

I break off another piece of fence then head towards him. "Motus." I use my magic to drag him, beside me. I shoved the piece of fence into his chest, and had instantly killed him. I turn around slightly as Anya stood beside me. I pulled out a handkerchief and cleaned up her face and my face up too.

We vampire sped to our house and went inside and changed out of our now bloody outfits. I went into living as Anya was about to leave out of the door. "Where are you headed?" I asked her.

"I'm gonna hang out with Caroline Forbes and Tyler Lockwood and some of their friends. We will be going out to eat and hang out. I'll be back home later." Anya replied.

I watched as she gave wave and shut the door.
I went into my room then turned on tv and relaxed.

After sometime, I walked outside and stopped to look around then saw that invisible barrier was now gone. I saw as the barrier was no longer active around our house. I looked out into woods and saw flash of lighting. I hurried over to the location. I saw a coven of witches and ran past them. I dropped to ground and saw Anya's necklace and phone was on the ground.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!!!!" I screamed at the man.

"She was sent to her prison world. You will soon see her again once we sent you there too." Man said with blank expression.


I gripped her necklace and siphoned all the magic inside of it. "Ossox." I turned to man then twist my hand slightly as his leg snapped. I watched as he gripped his broken leg. "Ossox." I pointed at his arm then slightly twist my hand again as his arm made cracking sound and his arm was broken. I raised my hand up as he looked at me with pain in his eyes.

I looked around and saw his coven members starting to channeling their magic. I kept looking as they kept on Channeling their magic. "Again. Ossox." I used my telekinesis to snap their neck's and they all fell motionless to the ground. I looked to the man on ground and pain still in his eyes. I crouched on the ground while near the man in pain.

"You don't realize how much you just messed up. I'm gonna free my dear, Anya from our prison world." I took sometime to pause before continuing. "I have always been a killer. But, I'm so much worse.
I can turn my humanity off and feel absolutely nothing for the people that I have killed. They mean completely nothing to me. You are nothing to me. I'm finally gonna embrace my true side. I am a killer but, I like me." I said out loud to him.

I got up from crouching position beside the man. I twist my hand as his neck snapped and he died. I picked up all pieces from the ascendant. I grabbed Anya's phone and necklace. I made my way towards Gilbert House.

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