Chapter 9 - Gemini Coven Of Heretic's

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I saw as Anya went over to Emmett and Jasper. I headed over to Carlisle. "It's always nice to see you and Anya. It's been far too long since you came to visit us." Carlisle said to me.

"We have been planning on visiting for some time. We do plan on hopefully staying for quite awhile." Anya said from across the room. Anya sitting beside Jasper on the couch. While Emmett stood behind her.

I turned as Edward walked in while being accompanied by a girl. I looked at the girl and turned towards to Anya as she also saw her.

"This would be Isabella Swan. She goes to Folks High School with Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper and Alice. She stays with Sheriff Swan. She's close friend to us." Carlisle told I and Anya and Inadu.

"This would be Kai de Lioncourt, and Anya." Carlisle told Bella which she just simply nodded.

I looked as young boy walked in and he was just wearing shorts and no shirt. I could smell him and he smelled like a Shapeshifter. "This would be Jacob Black. He is son of Billy Black and he's known in Quileute Reservation." Carlisle to us.

"So he's one of the Shapeshifters of Uley pack. I never really understood that treaty. The Shapeshifters are similar to werewolves but doesn't matter since they both are weak." I said with venom towards Jacob Black.

"I could easily rip you to pieces like any other vampire." Jake tried to threaten.

He walked to face me but fell to floor in intense pain. I had my hand in air while using my pain infliction. "I would be Heretic, actually. I'm a Witch and a Vampire." I said as Anya had sent a glare towards me. I put my hand down and let him go from my pain infliction.

"Well that's was very new and unexpected." Jake said while slowly get up. I offered my hand to him and Jake grabbed it tightly. I helped him off of the ground.

"You can call me, Jake." Jake replied.

"I would be Kai and leader of Gemini Coven. This would be my coven member in Anya." I introduced my coven and myself to Jake.

"We haven't grown our coven much." Anya said calmly to everyone.

"I've heard a lot about Cullen Family from Kai. I can not still believe that you actually drink animal blood. I couldn't ever do that since human blood is so sweet to me." I said to Cullen Family.

"It's always nice to meet you again, like always Anya." Carlisle greeted her.

"I'm gonna have to go. It seems that Sam has ordered a meeting among pack. I'll see the Heretic's around soon." Jake said as he left and headed into the woods.

I looked around room and saw that Edward and Bella were leaving with Jasper and Rosalie. I turned to Anya as she sent smile towards I which I returned.

"I'm surprised that Kai hasn't gotten bored and killed anybody yet." Jasper joked towards me.

"I'm trying to be peaceful for once." I responded towards his nonchalant comment.

I followed close behind Anya as we headed inside our house behind Cullen House. Anya headed into her bedroom. I made my way up stairs and into my bedroom. I pulled out my grimore and a ascendant.

"That coven hid this but Anya had found it. They wanted to hide something really dangerous in a prison world. Why don't we go and check it very soon." I said to myself. I got ready for bed then
laid down in my bed and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2020 ⏰

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