Chapter 7 - The Heretic's Are Here

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I looked around room and turned to Bonnie. I saw as Bonnie and Stefan pulled out some White Oak Stakes and looked towards Anya and I.

"Phesmatos superous em animi." I put my hand into air as Bonnie, Stefan, Damon, Jeremy, Jenna and Elena dropped to the floor in pain.

"It's a shame that this had to happen since we were becoming so close. We won't be able to have any sleep overs now." I said to everyone that was around us.

"You honestly can't understand how powerful that I truly am as the Original Heretic. I am the Original Heretic. I would be over 2,000 years old. But, Anya is only 600 years old. She was a Siphoner just like myself. We were seen as disgrace to witches as a whole. Two of her coven members followed and tried to kill her in England. I saved her life when I gave her my blood and turned her into a Heretic." I told everyone around me.

I looked to Anya as her hand was raised and using her pain infliction on everyone. I looked to my new, three heretic's raised their hands while using their own pain infliction.

I walked over to Bonnie and snatched the White Oak Stake off of the ground. "I'm actually impressed that you were able to actually find some White Oak Stakes. But these can't kill or hurt us." I said to Bonnie while looking down at her. I held the White Oak Stake then snapped it in half and tossing it onto the floor. I went over and grabbed the other White Oak Stake. I gripped it in my hands and snapped it in half and threw it on to the floor.

I walked over to my coven of Heretic's while standing beside them. "We would be the Heretic's. We can't be stopped. We won't be stopped by anybody."  I deadpanned to everyone.

"I want you all to forget about me, Anya, Nora Hill, Kaylee Parker, Enzo de Chattel. You won't ever remember any of us. We never met any of you." I compelled all of them to forget about us.

We sped around until we eventually came across the very small town of Forks, Washington. I had known that we could stay with Cullen Family. It was Anya that had always liked being around Cullen Family. She had always had close friendly relationship with them. I kept it friendly but wasn't as close with them as Anya had liked to be with the Cullen's.

We made our way into town and walked towards Cullen House that was near La Push territory. I never would understand why they had peace treaty with shape shifters but I guess it made sense to keep the peace for them.

I looked around the town and saw lots of the same buildings and little shops. I stopped in place as I caught the smell of wet dog but more known as Shapeshifter. I looked over and saw few Shifters from Sam Uley Pack then saw Sam Uley and Emily Young.

I felt someone tug on my arm and Anya pulled me so we kept on walking. Kept on walking and got deeper into the town. I could tell that the town hasn't changed much in many years. We sped until we reached woods and walked heading to Cullen House.

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