Chapter 6 - Home

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I made my way through the Gilbert House as Bonnie and Jeremy were discussing prison world in the kitchen. I saw as Jenn and Elena made their way towards me and sat beside me.

"How many prison world's are there in whole?" Jenna asked obviously curious.

"There are multiple prison world's that I know are out there. Well there is our prison, Kai Parker, Lily Salvatore.." I replied.

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"We know what you did to your coven, Kai. You killed your entire coven over 2,000 years ago." Bonnie said angrily towards me.

"I was called a disgrace by my coven since I was a siphoner. I was treated like the black sheep of my coven. I was treated like nothing by my own coven.
I had eventually took a elixir, take I had made and became the first Heretic. They had a traveler boundary spell to protect them. I absorbed it and took in all that magic from their Traveler Spell. When I killed them, I felt no sense of remorse when I killed them. I felt no amount of pity when they all were dead. I slaughtered everyone in my coven. I massacred every single member and they all are dead." I reply showing no emotion for my actions.

"Your a killer, Kai." Jeremy deadpanned at me.

"I keep on having people tell me that. But, I'm finally learning to embrace who I truly am and always have been. I have always liked me." I say towards Jeremy.

"So how about let's get back on track. Alright, how are we gonna find Anya? Anya could be absolutely anywhere in your guys own little prison world?" Damon asked towards Bonnie.

"We will find her, Damon. I know that you care for her but we all care for her too." Bonnie said trying to ease Damon.

"This is so touching that Damon and everyone cares so much for my dear, Anya." I said pouting towards them.

"We should hurry before the eclipse passes." Bonnie said to me. I watch as they both head outside and get ready.

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I walk outside and met up with Bonnie and Damon and we hold onto Ascendant and are teleported into our prison world. I look towards them and they look around at Mystic Falls. It's strange to see this town so empty and quiet. I grab all the pieces and put them into my pocket.

"We should check Gilbert House since she might be there." Bonnie says to Damon then glaring towards me. We started walking into Mystic Falls town and soon heading to Gilbert House.

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We waited in cave as Bonnie was talking to Damon. I used my telepathy as I heard of their betrayal. I held the ascendant in my hand and whispered a incantation. I duplicated the ascendant and put it into my pocket.

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I gave the ascendant to Bonnie as she and Damon stood in light of the eclipse. Anya and I fell to the ground in pain from Bonnie using pain infliction on us. Anya started to fight against it. "Don't do it." I told Anya telepathic.

We watched as Bonnie and Damon left with their ascendant.

Anya looked at me with curiosity. "I duplicated the ascendant and have a vial of bonnie's blood with me. I'm always a step ahead."

Anya slow clapped before speaking up. "Wanna see something strange? I found something you should see Kai?"

I followed behind her as we came to a stop. I saw a group of desecrated bodies. I looked at her and she spoke up. "Kai, meet the remaining Heretic's of Lily Salvatore. They had freed Lily Salvatore from her prison world. But she left these three behind."

I fed them some blood, and waited till they started to wake up. I led them to follow behind us.

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Anya had went inside our house as I waited on the porch. I held a bell and started to ring it and the Heretic's soon came. I saw the three and stepped inside our house. I watched as the Heretic's stopped and waited for a invitation. "Please, come inside." I gave them their invitation to enter.

Anya have them blood bags and they quickly drank them. I sat down in front of them and they looked at me with confusion. "I would be Kai de Lioncourt and that would be Anya de Lioncourt." I paused before continuing. "Lily Salvatore already left your prison world. She had decided to leave you, three behind in here. But I want to leave this place and offer you, three a place in my coven."

I listened as they all introduced themselves then started talking amongst themselves.

"She left us behind. We were supposed to be her, Family."

"It's gonna be alright, Kaylee."

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"It's time we get the hell out of this place." I stood in the light of the eclipse and held the ascendant in my hand. Anya and rest of Heretic's put a hand on the ascendant. I put bonnie's blood on it as we were sent back to the present.

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