Chapter 5 - Ripper Is Returning

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I made my through Mystic Falls and kept thinking about Anya. I felt the pain that she was alone in a our prison world. I made my way down the sidewalk and into town. I saw a Bar that was busy and decided to turn down a dark alley.

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"Ossox." A witch said to me. I fell to ground in pain as my leg snapped. My leg snapped into place almost instantly. "Freaky, right."

"Don't use your magic

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"Don't use your magic. Don't move or make a sound." I compelled her to follow my instructions.
I looked around the ground and found a long piece of glass. I held it in my hand and walked slowly towards her. I shoved glass into her throat and held her up and shoved the glass deeper in her neck. I pulled the glass out and released my grip and let her go.

I watched as she dropped hard onto ground. I heard as she coughed up some blood. She kept trying to fight, but she just kept choking on her own blood. I looked at her and felt no sense of remorse or pity
for her. I turned around and walked down alley. I stopped and entered into the bar. I saw as young women was looking at me. I walked up to her until we was face to face.

"Follow me." I compelled her. I turned around as she followed behind me into the dark alley. I stopped in alley as she came in front of me and we was now face to face.

"Don't move. Don't make a sound." I compelled her.

I grabbed her and snapped her neck. I sank my fangs into her neck and slowly drank her blood. I felt the sweet taste of her blood and drank her dry.

I walked up the stairs to Gilbert House. I knocked on door as Jeremy answered door. "I need your help." I said to him. I walked into their living as everyone looked at me. I put all the pieces of the ascendant on the table. "A group of witches sent Anya to our prison world." I said to them. "A prison world were originally created long ago by witches. They are more used by Gemini coven."

"How are we gonna reach her?" Elena asked worried about her friend.

"We need to repair the ascendant and need blood from a Bennett witch." I said then looked at Bonnie.

"Why do we need blood from a Bennett witch?" Jeremy asked.

"The only way to enter and exit any prison world, is using blood from a Bennett witch and having a ascendant." I explained to them.

"Who's gonna know how to fix this ascendent." Jeremy stated to everyone.

"I'll help fix the ascendant and we only need small drop of blood from Bonnie Bennett." I explain.

"When we enter the prison world it will be Me, Damon Salvatore, Kai. We will need to find her then wait for a eclipse and then leave to return here." Bonnie said.

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