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Jungkook took careful steps backwards away from the window and turned his torch light off to prevent being seen why the two mysterious figures, "okay guys this has just taken an unexpected turn for the worst: I have people outside potentially dealing in drugs and I can't risk getting caught by them" Jungkook whispered while he stared into the darkness, "so this is what I'm going to do, I'm going to keep filming in silence until I get out of the house and then once I'm back in the safety of my car I'll talk more in depth about what happened here tonight."

Without his torch Jungkook was unable to see the floor beneath him, from memory he recalled the floor by the door being sketchy, if he stepped on it he'd likely fall through to the ground floor, then he would be in trouble; with each step he took he prayed he wouldn't catch anyone's attention, at times the floorboards moaned from the pressure placed on them but it was an old house, old houses make noise.

He could still hear their voices outside but they were growing more silent as he neared the door, with one hand holding the camera that shook violently, Jungkook used the other to snap a glow stick for a small amount of light that he prayed wouldn't be noticed, with the small amount of light he was able to pinpoint exactly where he was on the top floor, "fuck me-." 

The two figures outside looked up at the house after hearing the sound of wood splintering and heavy thud of something landing on the ground floor, the taller of the two Johnny D Man took his gun out and pointed it at the house within the blink of an eye, "I have a gun, so whoever's in there better get the hell out before I start shooting!" He yelled while his finger hovered over the trigger. 

Pulling the mask over his face, Yoongi grabbed his own gun, turning off the safety he waited for the go ahead, tonight Johnny D would be calling the shots.

"If you see them don't let them get away!" 

Jungkook rushed towards the staircase wanting to go back up instead of being on the ground floor where they'd first look for him, using his viewfinder for visual aid Jungkook maneuvered around the first floor, each step he took felt unsafe but that wasn't his main worry, his main worry was not getting shot. 

"O-oh fuck" Jungkook quietly whispered as he was pulled out from the hidden closet that he'd found just before one of the strangers had reached the hallway, a hand gripping the collar of his jacket there was no way he'd be able to escape, tripping over his own feet as he was dragged around the top floor, down one hall and then down another, he prayed for some sort of miracle, like the owner of the land turning up or maybe even a policeman.

"Stop fucking wiggling, your being difficult!" Exclaimed Yoongi as he shut the door behind them, dragging the root bed frame over to give them some time he finally breathed a sigh of relief, "he's going to figure it out sooner or later that I'm helping you, so no arguments, no trying to fight me, and for the love of god don't yell out for help."

He nodded without saying a word of protest, his heart was racing in his ears and he felt sick to his stomach not knowing what was going to happen, for all he knew this person could be lying straight to his face, the camera was shaking violently in his hands and threatened to drop any minute, with the little amount of light they had Yoongi grabbed the camera and rested it on the floor, they could hear the commotion downstairs of Johnny D turning things over and breaking walls trying to find Jungkook.

"Who are you?" Asked Jungkook with a shaky voice.

"I'm someone that's made some terrible life choices, but I'm willing to change that all around if I get you out of here alive, I know you're Jeon Jungkook the famous Youtuber, and unfortunately you've put yourself in a sticky situation, listen to me and you just might make it out of here alive" grabbing the camera from the floor Yoongi placed it in Jungkooks hands, grabbing his sleeve he pulled the boy over to the broken window, "long drop" he pointed out, "hope you remember to bend your knees in time."

A crash sounded at the end of the hall making them both flinch, the door handle rattled violently, "Yoongi I know you're in there, open the fucking door before I start blow hole through your head!"

Recognition crossed Jungkooks face, he knew that name but from where? Searching his brain for anything that could be of use he felt two hands grip his shoulders, his entire body tensed under the persons touch, every part of his body told him to fight the person holding him, "you gotta jump, and you've got to do it now!"

"There's got to be another way out" he pleaded desperately, there was no way he could do the jump without breaking a few bones, "just shoot him and I'll leave and never bring this up!"

Yoongi shook his head, shooting Johnny D was not an option, "remember to bend your knees kid."


Before he could finish his sentence, Yoongi pushed Jungkook out the window just as the door burst open, splinters of wood embedded themselves into his face and hands, stumbling backwards Yoongi becomes aware of the danger he's in, and without being able to properly see due to the dark it could put him in a crucial position.

"You sneaky bastard" Johnny D yelled angrily, storming into the room he grabbed Yoongi by the neck of his hoodie pulling him close to his face, his feet dangled in the air as he was held up, "do you realise what you've done! He's going to get us arrested you idiot."

Yoongi finally left the building with a dislocated shoulder and series of minor cuts in his clothing, Johnny D had put up quite a fight but unfortunately for him he didn't know who he was dealing with, his boss was not going to be happy about this altercation, but until then he needed to make sure Jungkook had got back safely.

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