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He was drunk, incredibly drunk in fact Jungkook was so drunk that Yoongi was certain he'd get alcohol poisoning if he wasn't careful, he wasn't sure why Jungkook had gotten so drunk he just knew that he came stumbling in through the front door at three in the morning and was whining about how cold he was, Yoongi was asleep so he didn't remember anything until he felt a heavy weight collapse down next to him and start loudly chunttering away to himself "oh god, it's so cold – the heating should probably be on to warm the rooms up" the loud noise of Jungkooks voice was enough to wake Yoongi up and at this time of the morning he wasn't happy about it, groaning tiredly Yoongi turned the lamp on and angrily looked at the male he shared his bed with.

"You stink of whisky!" He exclaimed rudely as he rubbed his eyes and frowned at the man next to him, Jungkook smiled goofily as he sat and looked at his hyung with his half closed eyes, Yoongi was certain that he was about to fall asleep "go to sleep, you're going to have a killer hangover tomorrow and I'm going to have to look after you" his voice was deep and raspy from just waking up he wanted nothing more then to sleep. Shaking his head Jungkook mumbled saying it was to cold and that he wanted another blanket "I don't have another blanket Kooks, lay down, we can cuddle."

He smiled widely at the remark "okay hyungie" Jungkook didn't bother getting changed, he kicked his shoes off and crawled in under the duvet, he was facing his hyung and his eyes wandered all over his face, examining each and every detail from the tiny mole under his right eye to the pout on his lips, Jungkook noticed it all and he smiled to himself which of course Yoongi could see, numerous times when it was cold the duo had fallen asleep cuddling together but this time it was different: Jungkook was drunk and Yoongi had never delt with him like this before so he wasn't sure if he'd act up or not, instead he got the opposite.

"Come on Kook-ah, let's sleep" Yoongi encouraged as he waited for him to turn on his side, looking up slightly dazed and starstruck Jungkook nodded, leaned over and planted a small delicate kiss on his hyung lips, turned over and went to sleep almost instantly leaving Yoongi shocked, his mouth was only slightly parted and he felt the blood rushing to his cheeks – Jeon Jungkook had seriously just kissed him goodnight?

Yoongi awoke on a hospital bed, his eyelids felt heavy and it was a battle to keep them open, he observed that he was in a bay with five other patients, most of them still being asleep minus him and another young gentleman, there was an IV drip going into his left arm and he felt tightness in his throat as he tried to swallow, his heart rate monitor beeped normally from what he gathered after all no staff members came running, clearing his throat hurt and he winced while doing so – how could he forget he was almost strangled to death? The sound of monitors beeping in unison was rather hypnotic and soon enough Yoongi felt himself falling back to sleep.

The next morning Yoongi was awoken by a nurse at seven a.m. so that he could get his vitals checked and so that he could have some breakfast, they'd specially propared for him a breakfast of fruit, yogurt and milk all of which was healthy and soft on the throat when going down; every hour and a half a nurse came around and checked on all the patients within the wings of the hospital, the bright yellow paint on the walls was beginning give him a headache and all he wanted was to go home, back to his little destroyed apartment.

"Nurse, wh-when do I-I get to go h-home" his throat felt as though it was on fire as he talked and he winced numerous amounts of times, upon being adviced not to talk the nurse then went on to say "once you've healed from your internal injuries and made a statement to the police is when you'll be free to leave, your friends said you got into a fight, the police just need you to give a description so they can track your attacker down."

Roughly around the time of lunch Yoongi recognised three figures appear from behind the curtain, he'd asked to be closed off because he didn't feel comfortable having other patients stare at his bruised neck, Jimin and Taehyung were smiling and they placed a large size bouquet on his lap, Jungkook on the either hand was just relieved to see Yoongi in one piece and alive that is, "gave us quite the fright you did" Jimin joked as he sat down on one of the blue plastic chairs next to the bed, adjusting his jeans he added "if it wasn't for Kook-ah being overprotective as well as intelligent we may not be sitting here talking to you."

"We found your location via snapmaps, I figured if your phone got a WiFi connection it would've updated your location, we took a chance and here we are" Jungkook explained  as he rested his weight on one leg and mainly leaned on Jimin, he saw the unusual expression on his hyungs face when he looked at him – it was confusion as well as pain "do you know when your getting out hyung?" Jungkook asked to ease any possible tension, Yoongi relaid what the nurse had said to him and looked away towards Taehyung who was busy playing with a string hanging from the certain.

"Tae babe, just sit down."

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