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They laid in bed saying nothing, Jungkook had been eerily silent all day and Yoongi was worried: this wasn't like him – usually you couldn't get him to shut up but now you couldn't get him to talk. The room was comfortably warm even though they hid under the covers, Yoongi had even felt to see if Jungkook had a temperature but he was fine.

"Jungkookie-ah, what's wrong, you haven't uttered a word all day; you're worrying me" Yoongi propped himself up with his elbow and took in the younger males features and he noticed the dried tear marks that covered his slightly chubby hamster cheeks making him look even more adorable. The boy stayed silent not saying a word and averting his gaze to the window "listen, if you've broken something just tell me – I won't be mad" he comforted with a smile – not that Jungkook noticed.

It was heavily raining, the sound of it hammered against the window giving both boys a headache, neither of them moved though, Jungkook had finally turned onto his side and was looking directly at Yoongi with unreadable eyes "I'm sorry" he whispered silently as he gulped down the feeling that was growing in his throat – he thought maybe he was going to cry again "I don't know how to say this: I'm moving back in with Lisa" Yoongi sat bolt upright on the bed in shock, he almost fell out of it because of the small amount of space they shared.

"Your moving back in with her?" His voice was venomous and filled with anger "the woman that made you lock yourself in the bathroom and climb out from a window – are you serious!"

The bed groaned as Jungkook got into a sitting position across from his hyung and saw the look of pain in his face and disappointment, he reached out to hold Yoongi's hands but his hyung pulled them away and shook his head "don't, please don't" he whispered softly, he pushed the covers off his body and stood up, his feet landed on the floor and he steadied himself from rocking backwards.

"Hyung, I'm sorry. I didn't know how to tell you: I knew you'd be sad or mad, I was just going to pack up and leave but I couldn't, not after everything you've done for me" he wrapped his arms around his body and hugged himself "she's my girlfriend Yoongi, I'm going to gave to go home eventually – she's living there with mortgage paid for and bills covers for the next twenty years!" He argued dramatically, spinning around Yoongi shoved Jungkook backwards and yelled "I don't care! How can you want to go back to a woman that told me all of your secrets?"

Almost falling off of the bed Jungkook quickly reached out and grabbed Yoongi's shirt bringing him down onto the bed, throwing his arms out Yoongi landed right on top of the boy, either hand on the side of his head, faces almost pressed together.

"Fuck it" Jungkook exclaimed, before Yoongi could say anything Jungkook closed the gap by pulling Yoongi's collar violently downwards, their lips collided with a blaze of firery passion – it was a feeling that neither of them had ever felt before and they both yurned for more, hands wandered carelessly over Yoongi's body as they continued the messy kiss: having both wanted this for so long neither cared when their lips were tugged or chewed on or that it didn't look pleasing – they wanted so much to share this intimacy.

Jungkook had flipped them so that he straddled Yoongi whilst kissing him, one hand tugged at the bottom of Yoongi's shirt while the other tilted his head and he placed soft kisses down his hyungs neck making him squirm and squeeze at Jungkooks thighs to try and control himself, the feeling of butterflies engolfed his stomach as he whimpered softly when Jungkook skimmed his lips over Yoongi's collar bone, Jungkook continued on with every squeeze that he felt in his thigh – if this was the last time they'd be living together then he was going to make the most of it –  with Yoongi this was passion, but with Jimin it was just experimentation.

Yoongi had somehow successfully managed to take Jungkooks shirt off and leave an array of purple marks over his chest and neck causing Jungkook to arch his back pressing there body's completely together making them even more errotic and hungry for each other. Soon enough the room was strewn with clothes that previously covered each others bodies and heavy breaths filled the room – Yoongi pulled the boy down further as they kissed, their bare flesh connecting once again and immediately the feeling of wanting more came back to him – Jungkook was more then happy to for fill his hyungs desires and as he traced his hand down Yoongi's naked body he felt the butterflies arise once again.

Awaking with a tightness in his stomach Yoongi threw the covers off and rushed to the bathroom, he's never forgotten that night and whether or not they verbally announced it they both felt something that night and it wasn't just lust.

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