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When the sun arose and Yoongi's alarm went off he instantly grabbed his phone to check whether or not he dreamt about the conversation with Jungkook, and there it was on his phone the conversation with the famous YouTuber, Yoongi would be lying of he said he wasn't panicking.

"He's going to hate this place" Yoongi mumbled while rushing around to clean his apartment and then he remembered the most important fact that he'd left out: he lives in a one bedroom apartment . . . Yoongi was just going to have to sleep on the sofa until Jungkook went back home. Maybe he should inform him?

When the time to collect Jungkook came around Yoongi was a total mess: he was completely freaking out and wasn't sure whether or not he could actually walk down to the garage and get in his rover, "Come on Min, it's just Jungkook – Jimin's best fr...

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When the time to collect Jungkook came around Yoongi was a total mess: he was completely freaking out and wasn't sure whether or not he could actually walk down to the garage and get in his rover, "Come on Min, it's just Jungkook – Jimin's best friend no need to be worried." Of course he had reasons to be worried this was the guy he had saved from being killed because of his stupid job, "Min if you don't move your legs now then you're going to end up standing here while Jungkook is waiting to be picked up" he continued to mumble to himself.

Jungkook waved farewell to Jennie and thanked her for letting him stay the night, she just smiled and waved him off before closing the door. While walking it gave Jungkook time to think whether or not this was a good idea to be trusting the person that could've gotten him killed but then again he also knew that this was the person that saved his life as well – he's Jimin's friend and Jimin talked of him highly so the most he could do was give Yoongi a chance.

"Yoongi?" Jungkook asked when the rover pulled up in front of him, Yoongi leaned over and opened the door for him to climb in, "hey, get in."

The drive was a little awkward, neither of them gave any attempt to start conversation but when you hardly know each other what can you talk about, Yoongi glanced at Jungkook a couple of times but focused mainly of his driving, "is there anything you want to pick up or are you good?" Yoongi questioned when he  noticed that he didn't have anything with him, Jungkook left with his phone and wallet and the clothes on his back that's it.

"There's no way I'm going back home while Lisa is still in a murderous rage so . . . I should probably buy some clothes" he laughed softly after realising he could've brought some from the shopping centre he had waited outside of.

Yoongi nodded "I live near a small clothing store that should have enough variety and it means that less people will notice you, if your cool with that idea?"


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