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The video took longer to edit then Jungkook expected, the audio for the intro was slightly faulty and after a long fifteen minutes of trying to increase the sound he realised he'd just have to film another into later tonight once getting back from...

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The video took longer to edit then Jungkook expected, the audio for the intro was slightly faulty and after a long fifteen minutes of trying to increase the sound he realised he'd just have to film another into later tonight once getting back from Yoongi's – he'd forgotten about that and upon seeing that it was rather late in the night he knew his hyung would be mad but he saw no notifications on his phone so he thought his hyung and forgotten as well.

Jumping in his car Jungkook drove over to Yoongi's apartment but made a detour to grab some more petrol because he was running on empty. Driving upto the apartment complex Jungkook saw the living room light was on, parking in front of Yoongi's garage he made his way up the metal stairs and along the walkway until he reached the front door, his hand lingered ready to knock; he was clamy and nervous by why?

"Are you just going to stand there or are you actually going to go in?" One of Yoongi's neighbours mumbled as the walked past him and down the stairs, gulping down the nervousness Jungkook turned the handle and opened the door, Yoongi was fast asleep on the sofa his mouth slightly open with little snores escaping now and then but Jungkook instantly noticed how cold it was upon opening the door.

"Yoongi hyung wake up" Jungkook shook his hyung and felt that he was freezing, why hadn't the heating come on? After a while Yoongi slowly awoke shivering from the cold and asked if Jungkook could fetch him a few blankets to stay warm "hyung, why isn't the heating on?" He asked when wrapping Yoongi in blue fluffy blankets and sitting down next to him leaving a little distance.

"Can't afford this months heating bill so I'm going without but that isn't why I wanted you over: we need to figure out where we stand with each other but first can you make me something hot to drink?" Yoongi mumbled tiredly.

"Of course."

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