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Holding his breath as he tiptoed across the top floor behind obstacles Yoongi searched for a way out, he was certain that if he couldn't find one he'd die within a matter of hours. Huge boxes created a wall between Yoongi and his attacker that was now searching for him also, he'd found some socks so that the bloody footprints would slowly fade into nothing making it harder for him to be tracked and that hopefully he could get away unnoticed unless he slipped over on the polished floor. Come on Yoongi, just find the fire escape and get out that way, if it's locked ram it until it breaks open he thought while turning the corner just to see his attackers back, spinning back behind the boxes he gulped and clasped his hands to his mouth to prevent any sudden noises, his attacker wasn't wearing any shoes now so that meant he would go unheard as well.

After realising that the only chance to get away was by having the attacker on a other floor Yoongi checked to see if it was clear and rushed over to the front of the stairs, looking around Yoongi ducked when he saw his attacker looking around, for a minute he was saw he was seen but he woddled away to a stack of empty boxes and quickly climbed inside of one and closed the flaps leaving just enough room to see through a tiny slit and watch as his attacker made his way over to where Yoongi was stood ten seconds ago and looked over the railing, he stood there for a solid two minutes, not moving not looking around just standing and listening for any signs of movement and unfortunately for Yoongi he wasn't starting to get cramp while squatting in the tiny box.

"I know your in the box Min, get out and face me like a man" he stated casually without even turning to look at the box, Yoongi hoped that if he didn't move and stayed silent then his attacker may think of himself as crazy, unfortunately not just as quick as his attacker spoke he marched over to the box and pushed it over, the flaps flew open and there was Yoongi, strong hands grabbed at his clothing and violently pulled him to his feet and shoved him backwards into the handrail, looking behind him Yoongi saw how big of a fall it was, getting a firm grip on the handrail he used the strength in his arms to push himself up and kick the man backwards sending him into a pile of boxes that collapsed under the weight "you're going to have to try harder then that in order to stand a chance of escaping" his voice was rough and venomous, almost like a snake.

Yoongi had a busted lip, and he was sure that he'd be getting a black eye forming within a few days, his attacker had a broken noise and a couple broken ribs which gave Yoongi the advantage, punches were being thrown so quickly that they weren't even sure that they were aiming at each other, it was just a blur, Yoongi grunted as he was kneed in the groin and toppled over in absolute agony.

"Hyung, how long would you fight someone in order to stay alive?"

"I'd fight depending on how strong my reasoning to live was, I'd rather fight till my dying breath just to see you again rather then just let death happen."

Wincing from the pain Yoongi got to his feet and tackled the person in front of him, fists slammed down on his back as he ran through multiple piles of boxes, some were full but the rest were mostly empty and they collapsed as two figures pushed through them, Yoongi kept running until he slammed his attacker into a solid wall and made him winded, he toppled to his knees and tried as much as he could to get his breath back, he was surprised he hadn't slipped when running, god was on his side, his body still hurt but now wasn't the time to quit, Yoongi rushed to the stairs and rand down them as quickly as he could, the toppled shelves were a massive obstacle that were now in his way, climbing over them he hoped his attackers friend was either unconscious or dead because he was terrified of being pulled down by his legs. The warehouse was cooling down and Yoongi was starting to shiver as he climbed over the fallen shelves, his socks made him constantly topple to the side and he could hear his attacker closing in on him, he was never good at parkour but now it would really come in useful.

"Are you scared of dying hyung?"

"Death doesn't scare me, but dying on my own does."

He recalled all of their conversations they'd had together as he jumped off of the shelf and landed awkwardly on his feet making him fall, he rolled onto his back and stared at the light above him, he'd forgotten about the person under the shelves until he felt hands clasp down on his ankles and pull him violently forwards, the cold metal shelves dug into his stomach and made him yell out of terror, his attacker was close to being at the bottom of the stairs and that's when he knew, he knew he was going to die in his own, he kicked violently at the person holding him under the shelves and pushed on the electrical cord to get some help, nothing worked.

As his attacker knelt down next to him he mumbled "now you'll regret screwing over Seouls biggest drug lord" two cold firm hand wrapped around Yoongi throat and squeezed as tight as possible making him panic, cry and kick and wiggle as frantically as possible, there had to be a way to escape, his hands tried to peel the fingers off of his throat but he was to weak and the lack of oxygen was making him see stars, for a split second he thought he heard Jimin talking but as he fell in and out of consciousness he knew it was a hallucination because what would Jimin be doing at a warehouse, his last thought before passing out was Jungkook and that's when he thought he heard his name being yelled frantically by the same boy he held his dying thought with.



I just want to thank gRAPEd for helping me with this chapter, I'm so thankful for your input as well as your continuous love and support ❤️

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