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Starting the conversation was difficult because neither of them really knew where to begin, sure Yoongi was the one that decided that they needed to talk however that didn't mean that he knew what to say, in this current moment he was speechless and extremely confused. Jungkook had made him some hot green tea because it also helps to relieve stress and he knew that his hyung was stressed and now with the heating bill not being paid they'd cut the supply to his apartment he was about to blow a fuse.

"You're stressed, from everything with the heating this is the last thing you need to have on your mind" Jungkook tried to reassure however Yoongi ignored him; taking a sip of green tea he responded with a simple "don't push this under the rug." They sat in silence with the background noise of pipes under the floor making an odd sound that clearly worried neither of them.

"You mentioned the shower in our earlier conversation, what was that all about?" Yoongi enquired curiously with a tiny tug at his lips in which tried to form a smile, Jungkook went slightly red in the face and covered himself with the edge of the blue blanket, frustrated he pouted from out under the blanket and mumbled "I might've gotten into a little situation when we were showing and you pushed passed to get under the water" he was red in the face when talking because he really didn't want to remember "hyung I'll admit a lot of intimate things have happened between us and that can draw us closer together for comfort and support knowing that there's no judgment but we can't get those feelings conflicted between others it's not healthy."

"Excuse me? You think I'm confused with my emotions, are you forgetting that Jimin told you out rightly that I was in love with you and you think from all this time I'm now confused?" Yoongi questioned madly "like maybe now after having such intimacy I'm confused? I wanted this chat to improve things not make them worse!" Tears built up in his eyes as his heart was shattered into a hundred pieces never had Jungkook been so rude.

After seeing the pain he'd caused Jungkook shifted in his seat uncomfortably, Yoongi stared at him with tears streaming down his face as if his whole world had just been destroyed "fuck hyung I'm sorry-"

"Sorry? Your sorry, that doesn't fix shit now does it!"

"I was scared okay!" Jungkook yelled back with a sudden burst of confidence "I'm so scared with coming to terms with how I feel about you: because everything we've done together I want to do ten times over, living with you was the best thing that's ever happened regardless of what I've ever said" he reached out calmly and grabbed Yoongi's hands holding them in his "and I know what I said was harsh to start with but hyung this is all so new to me, I don't know what to do."

Yoongi looked at him through teary eyes and nodded "I know this is new to you and I shouldn't of reacted the way I did – I do love you though kooks and if and when you feel the same I'll always be here, hopefully" Yoongi chucked with a little smile as he pulled back one of his hands to tighten the blanket around him because he was still so cold "I'm glade we're friends, I seriously am and I can't wait for Hoseok, Jin and Namjoon to get back so that all of us can hang out."

Jungkook bit down on his lip and nodded "yeah" he sounded distant as if he was thinking of something important, and truth be told he was: although he wasn't ready to admit it yet he loved Yoongi and watching him almost die killed him a little inside because that would've separated them forever and he wasn't ready for that "hyung, I want you to move in with me, permanently: your struggling to pay bills and I don't think you've eaten today because of the lack of food, live with me."

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