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"I don't love you!" Jungkook yelled angrily as he threw a mug at the wall next to Yoongi "coming here was one of the worst ideas I've ever had!" His voice was raw and angry and he continued to yell and throw his hand wildly in the air, Yoongi looked small as he stood in the corner of the room, the walls were stupidly thin and he knew for certain that his neighbours could hear everything that was being said, he begged Jungkook to lower his voice but it just kept making it worse "Yoongi, shut the fuck up. I don't care!"

The words hit him like a truck and Yoongi didn't know where it was coming from – they'd had no conversations regarding anything of the sort, Jungkook just woke up in a foul mood and now they're were arguing "why are you so angry all of a sudden, I've said nothing. Nothing!" Yoongi yelled angrily as he took a step forward over the broken mug and winced when he felt a sharp piece of something dig into his bare foot "Jungkook, talk to me, I can't help you if you don't explain anything to me."

Jungkook stared at him for a long time, his eyes not even moving a fraction "everything that happened between us meant nothing – I don't love you."

Jungkook leaned against the draining board in the kitchen rubbing his temple as he struggled to stay asleep, for weeks he kept having flashbacks to when he and Yoongi lived together and because of it he hadn't properly had an ounce of sleep, the sound of padding footsteps broke the silence in the house, it was Jimin.

"What are you doing up?" Jimin asked as he opened the fridge to get a bottle of water and the light from the fridge cascaded through the darkness, looking up startled Jungkook just muttered "can't sleep: it's been a busy day, the head just won't shut up" he tried to make it seem like a joke, but his hyung knew him and therefore he saw right through his little charade.

Taking a sip of water Jimin looked towards Jungkook with an unreadable expression and simply said "what happened between the two of you to make you care about hyung so much?" The question was out of the blue and almost accusing, Jungkook was taken a back and has to grip the counter to steady himself – his actions clearly spoke volumes to his hyung because Jimin had a raised brow and smirk on his face "something did happen?"

"Lots of things happened Jimin, we shared an apartment, a bedroom and a bed together things are bound to happen, but doesn't mean I can't care about him – he put a roof over my head!" Jungkook responded with a raised voice "yes I care about him Jimin, he's my hyung after all!"

They talked back and fourth, Jimin was trying to get something out of the boy he just didn't know what, Jungkook kept protesting that they were strictly friends.

"Your making it seem like me and Yoongi have something when in reality we have nothing! You and I both know that he has feelings for me but that doesn't mean that I have to like him back. Yoongi is my friend and if he died I'd be devastated and I'm sure you would be too! Yoongi saved my life when he could've killed me but he risked his life for me, I know Yoongi maybe not as good as you but if I feel like he isn't safe then you best bet I'm going to make sure he's okay. I'd do anything to keep him safe!"

"You lo-"

"Hyung... Not out loud, not now."

"This is the dilemma, you need to shower and get out of the apartment for 9.30 and I need to shower and get out of the apartment by 9.30 too so either one of us runs late or we shower together" Jungkook muttered while knowing that neither of them could possibly be late. Yoongi went from one foot to the other debating what to do, he had a doctors appointment which he couldn't miss and Jungkook had a collaboration to go to, neither could be late.

After putting of an answer for so long Yoongi said "screw it, if we add no homo then it's not gay, just get in the damn shower" unfortunately for them the shower was incredibly small and only really made for one person so they were pushed right up into one another and being in the shower made it awfully awkward as well as intimate, moving around each other in the shower made parts of the body come in contact with one another and definitely made the men feel different things; for one of them it was definitely hard to say that they weren't getting a boner due to the brushing of bodies.

"Kooks, move I need to get this shampoo out of my hair, if we take a shower together then we each play fair" Yoongi groaned as he squeezed past and stood in front of Jungkook so that he could wash his hair, an uncontrollable overwhelming feeling was coming over one of them and they seriously needed to get out of the shower before something bad happened.

Yoongi sat in the hospital bed, in two days he could be discharged and sent back home to his now trashed apartment, well it was trashed before but even more so now, he kept reliving the moment when he heard Jungkoon screaming his name before everything turned black, he remembered how Jungkook stood paralysed on the spot when seeing his hyung be strangled right in front of his eyes and he remembered the awful crashing sound it made when Jungkook threw himself onto the attack and pulled him to the floor, Jungkook saved his life and he wasn't sure how he could ever repay him.

He remembered the conversations they used to have late at night about nothing in particular – the conversations that although meant nothing to some meant thousands to them, Yoongi missed that, he missed the warmth, the touch and the love that Jungkook gave off. The sound of the usual hospital noises brought Yoongi back to reality for a split second before becoming dazed again by his once idol, now best friend, he had trouble excepting the feelings that ran riot in his chest every time he thought of the boy because he loved him once when he idolised him but now this was reality and Yoongi didn't have a clue how he felt: he was scared that his feelings were purely based on Jungkook saving him.

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