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He was surrounded by darkness, but he couldn't understand why because he could feel himself blinking, quite rapidly in fact to see if anything cleared. He was sure he had a sheep skin bag over his head and without a doubt could feel the bristly rope digging into his flesh.
The room was deadly silent besides the sound of his breathing echoing off of the surrounding walls; he hadn't a clue where he was or why he was even attacked and taken in the first place, he was certain of a few things though. Firstly: it was two guys that had broken in and attacked him, secondly: whoever these guys are, they know what they're doing and he was sure these guys knew who he was and lastly: he now knew that he wasn't alone: he heard the sole of a shoe squeak against the ground and he wasn't moving his legs.

The restraints were crushingly tight and Yoongi noticed the lose of feeling in his hands as they were wrapped behind his back and tied to the chair, at least that's what it felt like - the chance of escaping was not a possibility until he could see where exactly he was and even then they would've cleared his body of weapons or objects that could do physical bodily harm.
Being the smart person he was, Yoongi knew better then to fight against the restraints because that would signify panic and although he was slightly panicked he decided to not give anything away.

All while being trapped Yoongi didn't realise what he was missing . . .

"I know that some of you have always had . . . different opinions on my girlfriend, most of you actually now that I think about it. In fact you all hated her why am I softening the blow? Me and Lisa have a long complicated history which I'm not going to go into detail about because that's our personal business and if we wanted to speak about it then we would've" Jungkook stopped talking and just looked directly at the camera, we recalled all the memories he shared with Lisa in front of this camera and a weak wobbly smile surfaced on his lips: "today is the day and, oh boy has it been such a long wait but I have a surprise for all of you lovely humans. Before I bring to light the secret I just want to say - I've never been bothered about what people say about me, trust me I've read some unruly things on twitter and the fact that people post fictional stories about me on there as well has made me block over 134 people." An unsettled look appeared on his face as he recalled one in particular story.

"Look at me, side tracking the situation, I do apologise I've rambled enough and time to get to the surprise. Wait here!" He walked off out of view from the camera and the sound of doors opening and closing and a females soft laughter was the only audio that could be heard. "Guys, I want you to meet Lisa, my girlfriend." Jungkook didn't know how long he'd been staring at the camera but he felt the tears streaming down his face, that was the video where he introduced Lisa to his fan base "when being famous it's not easy to sustain a healthy relationship with someone, especially someone like Lisa who can be a handful at times. This video, I - I never thought I'd be making one like this but shit changes everyday and people grow apart." He wiped his tears away with the hem of his shirt and fluffed his hair up to distract himself.

The video was a long one, fifty minutes and most of it consisted of Jungkook either rambling or just staring off into space taking in the memories he loved the most. If he realised this video was going to cause so much pain he would've just posted on social media the news but he knew better then to do that - the people that loved and supported his deserved an explanation, that's what they got: "things started to go down hill, roughly this time two years ago I did something that I'm not really proud of, I won't say what but Lisa wasn't happy about it which when I look back is understandable and I apologise for everything I ever did to hurt you, I messed up and I know that but you weren't helping the situation: you keep leaving for weeks as a time without contacting - I'm talking as if she was here right in front of me, sorry. I guess what I'm trying to say is . . . Lisa and I broke up, we had an argument and this time it got out of hand and she left to stay with her parents, we chatted on the phone and she ended it."

"Lisa dumped me."

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